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  • Hi have not been on for awhile but I have started baking again yesterday I made my great oatmeal/raising cookies and the ran around the cookie sheet it is the same receipe that I have used for years makes 12 dozen used the same butter LOL and everything else was the same all spread too much I do not know what could have been wrong. also made 3 butternut squash/raisin bread and all the raisins sunk to the bottom of the pan when I took them out of the pan 9x5 aluminum pans could some one maybe give me some hints on this my husband told me I was out of touch with my baking arlene
    can You use sugar free pudding mix in the receipes (Pudding Chip Cookies) instead of reg instant pudding what would be the results why do I have a problem trying to find the correct place to ask a ?
    you say you cheched the oven temp - hopefully with an oven thermometer
    how did you test the cake for doneness - toothpick or finger press? toothpick works better than fingertips on these cakes

    aluminum should not effect it at all - unless you used a very deep aluminum pan

    once cooled, you cannot re-bake
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