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A Full Life

Kathy W.

New member
Hey everyone I am really having fun with this forum. I just got my computer for my birthday in June, and I am new with all this. I love to cook and I have been learning a lot of new recipes with a lot of you. I hope you are enjoying my posts, and I hope I will help you all too. I have started a blog that is for fun. I post recipes, videos and my husband is helping me with his photos, to help with making this different and fun. Any tips or suggestions you may have would be very much apppreciated. Thanks, Kathy W.
A Full Life
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This is a fun site. I will put up answers to cooking questions,or will ask for answers. I put photos by my husband, old T.V. clips etc. I want all of you to just have fun and enjoy. There will always be recipes on my blog. Thanks and enjoy Kathy W.A Full Life
Hey Kathy I like your Full-Life site it's nicely done! I like that you even mentioned Spice Place there! I watched the clip of I Love Lucy- very funny! Thanks for sharing Cathy!
Hello Cathy. Thank's for checking out my site. I try to put new things up at least 2-3 times a week. So keep looking at it. The photography link is my husbands work. Thanks again Kathy W.
Hi Ironic Chef. Thanks for checking out my site. It's a fun site. I try to add things to it 2-3 times a week. My husband hates cats. I think Simon's cat is how most cats are.