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Factoids on the Grill

Kathy W.

New member
What's goin on it's summertime. Let's talk grillin. Everyone sizzles. Did you know more than 3/4 of American households own at least one grill. Did you know Lyndon B. Johnson hosted the first BBQ at the White House. He had Texas-style ribs. If anyone would like please check out my blog at A Full Life Thanks Kathy W.
We actually own 2 grills one for gas grilling, and 1 for charcoal grilling! I am spoiled by gas and prefer it, the charcoal gives off a flavor I am no longer fond of. I love the gas grill as it alos has a burner on it for frying! If I must fry I like doing it outside to keep my stove from being pelted with grease spots;)
We use to have a gas grill, but guess who had to clean it! So I bought the hubby a Webber. He is in heaven with a Webber. This year he got a smoker also. So we have all kinds of cooking goin on down here in Texas. Thank's Kathy W.
I used gas grills for years until my last one rusted out, and with a hurricane threatening (it was the infamous 2004 hurricane season here in Florida) before I could get a new gas grill, I ran out and bought a $20 Weber table-top charcoal grill. I cooked every meal on that grill for four days while the power was out, and will never go back to gas. I have since bought a Big Green Egg ceramic grill, which can be used as a grill or a smoker, and now I use the grill more than I use the oven.
We actually own 2 grills one for gas grilling, and 1 for charcoal grilling! I am spoiled by gas and prefer it, the charcoal gives off a flavor I am no longer fond of. I love the gas grill as it alos has a burner on it for frying! If I must fry I like doing it outside to keep my stove from being pelted with grease spots;)

Cathy try using lump charcoal instead of the more common briquets. Lump charcoal is real wood, no chemicals, no fillers, nothing but charred wood. The taste may be more palatable for you.
you got me beat - Ive only got 3 grills (one with rotissiere), 2 hibatchis (one cast iron), 2 take-a-longs (little ones) and I've got 5 electric (one with rotissiere).

gotta have electric ones here for indoor cooking when we are buried under snow -
Mama, when I lived in upstate NY, My neighbors thought I was insane. I would purposely fire up the smoker in some of the worst snow storms :cool:
I did that for years - now I get way too cold - and sometimes there is no where to put the grill with the snow we get. It was easier in the old days - now it would take me 3 hours of layering clothes just to walk out the door to cook! I'll suffer with the electric ones for a couple months when it's bad - on nicer days it's easier.