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Search results

  1. jpshaw

    I really would like a good Gumbo recipe!

    I've always liked the Chicken and Sausage gumbo with the dark roue. If anyone knows how to make it please let me know. Now that I have a recipe for Andouille sausage that is low in sodium I could pull it off.
  2. jpshaw

    Dried bean recipe!

    Being a heart patient canned beans are totally out of the picture so I use a lot of dried. Thought I would share this simple recipe since it works for a variety of dried beans, requires no pre-soaking and you don't have to stand over it. It requires a 2 Qt slow cooker (4 if you got a lot of...
  3. jpshaw

    How not to make biscuits.

    Just tried to make biscuits again. Did not rise, brown or even cook on the inside. Ooops. Forgot the baking powder. Now that will ruin your biscuits quicker then anything.
  4. jpshaw

    Anyone have a good batter recipe?

    Spent the other morning working up a batter recipe for onion rings and managed to lose it. It had corn meal, flour and an egg in it and that's about all I remember. Anyone have a decent one I would appreciate it. Thanks.
  5. jpshaw

    Could use a little help with biscuit recipe!

    This is how I started. The baking powder is Featherweight and the butter is Unsalted to work with my heart condition but everyone else can use normal. BTW I make my own milk from non-dairy Coffee Creamer to cut down on the sodium also. 2 cups all purpose flour 1 Pkt Splenda 4 tsp baking...
  6. jpshaw

    Anyone have any questions about Low Sodium cooking feel free to post them here.

    After staying alive since 2003 with only 15% ejection fraction in my heart I've become fairly knowledgable in this area.
  7. jpshaw

    Anybody got a good Chicken and Spaghetti Recipe?

    Looking for a simple recipe I can change to low sodium. If you have one please let me know.
  8. jpshaw

    Looking for a sausage recipe!

    I'm putting this under the beef column since all the pork in my area has been brined (full of salt) so I will need to make it out of anything but pork. Wouldn't mind a good breakfast sausage recipe either. Anyone have a good one please let me know.
  9. jpshaw

    Tacos (Thanks to Mama)

    I will be using my favorite taco recipe that I got from Mama to use on the low sodium Tostada Bowls I have found at my local grocery. Straight from Mama - Taco Seasoning 1 Tbs chili powder 1/4 tsp garlic powder 1/4 tsp onion powder 1/4 tsp red pepper flakes (I've lowered that to 1/8...
  10. jpshaw

    Gumbo recipe needed!

    Yeah, the guy from Louisiana is looking for help with gumbo. I'm looking for a good gumbo recipe I can turn to low sodium plus has anyone ever heard of "baking" their flour before making the roux? Baking it in the oven before making the roux is supposed to give it a darker color I was told. I...
  11. jpshaw

    A report on Nawlins.

    For you unedified Yankees that's the local pronunciation for New Orleans. Nawlins lies 8 ft below sea level and by all measurements it is sinking more each year. Sea level, BTW, is rising more each year due to global warming. If you spit on the sidewalk on Canal Street that will have to be...
  12. jpshaw

    All our water is imported!

    I know this is Louisiana but all our water is now imported. The Mississippi River, fed by rains up north, is at or near flood stage. They had to open the Atchafalaya flood system just to keep New Orleans from flooding. Sacrificed Morgan City (above sea level) just to save New Orleans (below...
  13. jpshaw

    Who has a good Stuffed Bell Pepper Recipe?

    Silly question. I know Mama does. I'm looking for one with little or no cheese since it's gotta be low sodium. Rice, tomato sauce and browned ground beef sounds good to me but I like it a bit spicy.
  14. jpshaw

    Cheese Question for Mama!

    I remember a post somewhere on "Salt Free Cheese" recipes. I know it might not be real cheese but if it can taste and melt like it I don't care. I don't even know if it was on this forum or not. So Mama can you direct me to it? I'm really in the mood for some cheese.
  15. jpshaw

    Third Grandchild!

    Just got back from Lafayette where my third Grandchild was born. :) Lillee Claire finally decided to join us at almost 10 PM Monday night. I tried to tell her that was past my bedtime but that girl didn't listen to a thing I said.
  16. jpshaw

    Mamas been busy with the button!

    When I logged on this AM it looked like our forum was spammed pretty hard but all I could see was their tracks. Mama done gottum all. :) Thanks Mama.
  17. jpshaw

    Anyone watch the Superbowl for the commercials?

    Just wondering. I'm more inclined to go for a snack during the game then the commercials. I quess when you're spending billions on a 30 second spot you better make it a good one.
  18. jpshaw

    Microwave steamer pots!

    Anyone use these much. I found some old steaming bags and was using them until they ran out. Went to the local Wallyworld and they don't carry them anymore so I bought one of those "Microwave Multipots" by Nordic Ware. Only cost about $7 and it's been a hoot. Using mostly my stirfry recipes...
  19. jpshaw

    Where's the beef - I mean venison?

    We had one deer in a freezer that my son had killed. We had a garage sale recently and my wife had tried out some of our old electrical appliances and six days later my son opens the freezer and finds that she never plugged it back in after testing some stuff. We did manage to save the...
  20. jpshaw

    Food Court Flash Mob - Stolen from Rick.

    Food court Flash Mob. Rick posted this on his site and I thought it was the best Flash Mob I've ever seen. Nice to hear Religious music nice and loud in the Mall. This was blatantly copied from Rick. Sorry. YouTube - Christmas Food Court Flash Mob, Hallelujah Chorus - Must See!