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4 ingredient cucumber salad

Mama Mangia

Super Moderator

1 cucumber, peeled and seeded
1 8-ounce container sour cream
1 clove garlic, crushed
1/2 teaspoon salt

Grate cucumber, and drain excess liquid between paper towels, combine all ingredients and chill at least 30 minutes before serving.
I can use this one too. A good portion of my recipes (stored in files on my computer) have the credit Mama Mangia". Of course jglass, Shipscook, Chatty Cathy and Chubbyalaskagris have some in there too.
I've reduced this to only one cucumber since no one in my family will eat my low sodium anything (I exchanged the salt for No-Salt) and just got through making it a second time.
just wondering, could you not have a salt shaker and a salt sub shaker on the table and your family could season their dishes??

I know there is a depth of flavor when cooking seasonings together, but as long as all the other flavorings are cooked together??? I would think adding salt at the table would round thier dishes out fine???

I have never been a fan of salt until discovering finishing salts a few years back. If I'm not careful, I will be on the restriction with you. right now all my numbers are good.

hope I'm not out of line, been wanting to ask that??
You're not out of line Shipscook. My wife doesn't want me to have salt sub since my Dr. said he wanted to regulate my intake of potassium. However almost every food has some potassium in it and the Klor-Con he has me on is nothing but "Potassium Chloride" which is what No-Salt is. The salt sub is a lot cheaper too. Soooo I kinda take a little less of his and add a little pinch of mine. My last two check-ups he said whatever you are doing - keep doing it. I just don't tell him everything I'm doing. I've actually dissolved his Klor-Con in a bowl of soup. It was great.
but, can't the family just have a regular salt shaker on the table???? and season their portions??Nan

They've kinda let me know that they are, for the most part, not going to share in my low sodium diet, which is fine since I love to cook. I don't hold it against them. I probably wouldn't either if I was in their place. The only problem is they think everything low sodium is tasteless mush. I make a very good skillet of cornbread, just ask the neighbers. Without the salt it doesn't keep very long so I give half away when it comes out of the oven but it taste as good as any. I think I will go make it at the neighbers house and have them bring some over and give it to them just to listen to "how good theirs is".
Back to the salad Mama. How do you slice your cucumbers. I used the slicer side of a box grater to do mine but those little thin sheets make it hard to stir in the sour cream. I'm thinking about just cutting the cucumber into 1" pieces then splite those down to 1/8ths to have a sturdier piece to stir. BTW I never seed nor peel my cucumbers. Nor do I remove skins from tomatoes.

I've made it again with the lengthway slices and added some onion (my bad). Hey when I find something low sodium and low calorie and that actually taste pretty good I go wild. Had to force myself to keep a Tbs of lemon juice out of it but I've already done in your 4 ingredients Mama.
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