Next to the word skeptical in the dictionary appears my face. When the lady said that she found a program that allows you to name your own price for groceries I would have bet my life it was another spam posting not even worth reading. The program she mentioned is at NOT ALLOWED ON THIS SITE Well, the last laugh was hers. Last week I went grocery shopping with my sister. She filled her cart to the top with everything you can imagine from milk to cosmetics and everything inbetween. In all the cashier rang it up and it came out to $ 297.79, to everyone's amazement she only owed $ 33.63. As fate would have it, when I questioned how she did it, she told me that she found this program and it is the very same one at the website above. Well, that afternoon I signed up for the program too. I just received my kit and intend to use it immediately!
thanks but no thanks - spammers move on -
thanks but no thanks - spammers move on -
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