Cook Chatty Cathy
New member
I wanted to discuss honey as I am reading alot about the use of honey in Morrocan recipes. Where I grew up in Miami Fl there was orange blossom honey, it is a superior honey and the taste is quite exqusite I prefer it over all others.
When my family relocated to Alabama in my teenage years there was a local wild honey (it had no special name) and it had a taste I could barley tolerate.
Now my father tells me of 2 honeys he loves 1 is Sourwood honey I can get it here in N. Ga. the other is Tupelo honey, and it can be found in Florida.
I am in the process of getting together an assortment of honeys to cook with and would like it if any of you can recommend some others besides the ones I have allready mentioned that may be worth my while to get.
The honey that is mentioned in Morrocan cooking sounds like something I would not be fond of as the very explanation of it's flavor turns me off, I am hopeful that I can substitute it with a different honey and not compromise the recipe too much!
I'd appreciate any input any of you may have on the subject!
P.S. Just in mentioning honey I am wondering what each of your experiences have been with honey bees so far this year? I have not seen many at all. Although I have a very active colony of carpenter bees that are in and around my shed, drilling holes and dive bombing our heads (funny little tricks they like to play!) hope they are doing some pollinating in my garden while they are hanging around as I would appreciate it. But let me know what you think.
When my family relocated to Alabama in my teenage years there was a local wild honey (it had no special name) and it had a taste I could barley tolerate.
Now my father tells me of 2 honeys he loves 1 is Sourwood honey I can get it here in N. Ga. the other is Tupelo honey, and it can be found in Florida.
I am in the process of getting together an assortment of honeys to cook with and would like it if any of you can recommend some others besides the ones I have allready mentioned that may be worth my while to get.
The honey that is mentioned in Morrocan cooking sounds like something I would not be fond of as the very explanation of it's flavor turns me off, I am hopeful that I can substitute it with a different honey and not compromise the recipe too much!
I'd appreciate any input any of you may have on the subject!
P.S. Just in mentioning honey I am wondering what each of your experiences have been with honey bees so far this year? I have not seen many at all. Although I have a very active colony of carpenter bees that are in and around my shed, drilling holes and dive bombing our heads (funny little tricks they like to play!) hope they are doing some pollinating in my garden while they are hanging around as I would appreciate it. But let me know what you think.
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