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How do you snack healthy?


New member
I'd love to hear everybody's answer to my question.

Well for me, I snack healthy by sticking to fruits like apples or any fiber-rich biscuits. I also make it a point to eat small meals every six hours. Granola or multigrain bars are also good as snack.
My daily snacks

I eat a small amount of mixed nuts, one non-fat yogurt, and a Fuji apple every day for snacks.
I grab a bag of Lay's potato chips and make a "healthy" dent in the contents of the bag.

Sorry but I can't put the words "snack" and "healthy" in the same reference with foods. I eat healthy with regular meals. :rolleyes:
Can Man - you're terrific!

Healthy snackin' to this Italian - HOMEMADE CANNOLI, HOMEMADE CHEESECAKE, COLD PIZZA, and a favorite - pretzel sticks dipped in chocolate pudding!

Now tell me what is unhealthy about homemade cannoli made with homemade ricotta, homemade cheesecake, pizza, or pretzels in chocolate pudding?

Ain't unhealthy to me!

Now JUNK FOOD - that's what you get in most restaurants! Over processed foods and loaded with MSG - that is junk food to me.

Nothing like a good home cooked meal - made fresh at home without processed foods....
Proll'y goes without saying but I've been snackin' on hard-boiled eggs all day!

Most the things I snack on aren't that healthy- but when I am on a "eat right" kick I do enjoy chilled grab-'n-go veggies like carrots, blanched asparagus spears and crunchy raw cauliflower. I also love most any fruit- apples, oranges, bananas, asian pears, melon, pineapple- and I always have a bag of frozen mango chunks from Aldi's in my freezer.
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I know Cannoli have healing powers Mama. I have never seen someone down in the dumps not perking right up when suprised with one. Of course here, a Cannoli goes a long way. Give the knife to my wife and she can serve 8 people with just one. She learned that trick from here GrandMother, lol.
HC - cannoli can solve the world's political problems, and start a whole new cannoli revolution for the good of the entire universe! Cannoli could solve the health care issues, car troubles, broken bones, marital difficulties - just to name a few!

(cannoli rule!)

Heart healthy? Yes. Nothing beats homemade ricotta, if you like chocolate chips in your filling - chocolate is good for you -if you like the candied fruit in your filling - fruit is good for you. There's a tad of wine in the shell - good for your heart as well. VERY good for you!

(don't you love my philosophies?)
Just remember you must seek the Dark Side if you are to seek the ways of chocolate.