I've been to France several times. Drive down to Dover and it's only about 3/4of an hour from there to Calais.
I've never used the Tunnel, always used the ferry. Don't agree with it, never should have been allowed but that is another story.
I find the Parisians very rude, but the people in the out side town and villages are nice enough. There is a large butchers in Paris which has a horses head lit up in neon lights. First prize to anyone who can guess what they sell.
Smoke, Lord they can smoke, no wonder most of them are so painfully thin, they don't have time to eat between cigarettes.
Yes, I've had horse, (steak chevall). Very nice, very tender, a little bit sweeter than beef, but the same texture and flavour.
It does not bother me eating horse, I just wish it was easily available for human consuption in this country. I do not like frogs legs, they do not taste like chicken they taste of rubbery something, slightly fishy. I've eaten snails in garlic, not bad but again a bit rubbery.
A note of warning if you order a bottle of wine, have it in the bottle, because if you let them decant it into a carafe, you will end up with the cheap crapola they put into sauces.