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I called a friend who grows lemongrass to ask if I could get a little for a recipe I want to try. She freezes tons of it. She also gave me several lemongass shoots. She told me what to do with them. I have them in water on the back of the sink in front of the window BUT I have already killed a rosemary bush. From what I have read in a week or so when they sprout new roots I should put them into a pot of soil and keep inside til the weather warms. I will pick up a pot and soil this week them take them to Jon's Dads and put them in front of his sliding glass doors where they will get tons of sun.
Anyone else grow lemongrass and have any tips?
I went out to the garden today and was shocked to see my mint and oregano was still alive and green. The leaves had been toughened up by freezing and were a little brown around the edges but still alive lol.
Never really considered the lemon grass Janie but would like to start a pot of mint and possibly oregano this spring. BTW my thyme made it through the winter very well in a 10" pot. I was actually snipping some for soups etc all winter.
Your green thumb is much better than mine lol. I managed to kill a lovely pot of rosemary. Lemongrass is not something I would use much at all either.
My green thumb is no better then yours. I just live a few degrees further down the globe then you do.
I've never thought about growing Lemongrass, so I think I will try a pot. I usually freeze a small amount of chopped and fast frozen for when I cannot get it at my local farmers market. Maybe it will encourage me to do more recipes using it.
We went by there place to get the lemongrass that night and to fix their printer. Their son who is in his late 40's lives with them. He had tried to install the drivers for his Dad's new printer and had made a terrible mess. Since he is a raging alcoholic who hardly ever takes a sober breath it was no wonder he couldnt install simple drivers. He told Jon and I that his computer would no longer get online so we checked his pc before leaving. No wonder it wouldnt connect. In one of his drunken fogs he had deleted his wireless software. He admitted to me at first he deleted it but when he thought Jon was getting annoyed he starts saying he never deleted the software. I was like ..just find me your wireless software cd so I can fix this and go home. I dont care how it got deleted! You have to picture me sitting at a desk that has had cheap wine spilled all over it so much so that my coat sleaves were sticking to it when I tried to reach the keyboard. The smell of vodka, beer and wine was so strong in that room. Jon has a lot more patience dealing with him when he is drunk than me. I honestly dont know what anyone could do to help him. His Mom and Dad offered to pay for rehab and he told them he doesnt have a problem.
Now this guy is rail thin because he basically lives off of booze but he tells me all of the time things I need to do to cook healthier because Jon had gotten a belly since we have been married :rolleyes:
Not only can I not grow anything- those who can don't want me around, either- 'cause it seems just my mere presence is often enough to make plants wither! :)