Gas at $2.49 or thereabouts I do not consider to be HIGH, considering what it has been in the past and could very easily go back to and probably will at some point down the line. I'm disappointed at the price, but that's about all.
I'm not sure I can elaborate on what my state and your federal government have been doing since it would only raise my blood pressure and right now I don't want to do that since my *free* health clinic where I get my monthly medication just demanded $60 to see the doctor -- changes ordered by the politicians to raise money. I said a few choice words since I don't carry that kind of cash on me, especially when they provide no warning, and walked out....without any medication.
Today was also to vote on six state measures to collect Billions and Billions of dollars more out of the already stricken and out of work public, just so they could remain fat and happy, which Joe public seems to be rejecting entirely. The politicians are threatening to remove all police and fire support if that occurs in an effort to scare the people so they will vote in favor of the issues. It ain't working. And apparently this same scenario is being played out everywhere. Bad times and its not caused by the people, though the people are the scapegoats for all the ills.
And you know things are really bad when individual states in our Union must formally and officially (re)declare their sovereignty as a State.
As for Memorial Day, I stay mostly in seclusion and give private honor and remembrance to those fallen in present and past wars that I was fortunate enough to survive from. I used to enjoy honoring the day in public, but nowadays most have forgotten or don't care about the meaning and traditions of Memorial Day. At many cemeteries, the graves of the fallen are increasingly ignored, neglected. Most people don't even know or remember the proper flag etiquette for the day. Last time I went to the polling place they had the flag displayed backwards. This year no flag at all.
Inspite of all this I am actually quite happy. I just can't find a reason to go out in to the cesspool we all are living in and with everything else going on right now and be made