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My hubby cursed at me lol


New member
He has been trying to loose weight. Tonight I made chocolate mousse and angel food cake lol. I told him to buckle up dude ... its the holidays and here come the calories ;) I have been going through my holiday and dessert books checking out what I want to make for the holidays. I ran across some goodies I am going to try through out the next several weeks.

Jon says he has the pefect shape since he married me. He is round.
His other one is he tells people he has the body of a God ... Buddah.
Very funny y'all. I can however relate to being round. I a as big around as I am tall. Doesn't that make me round? CF:eek:
Most men would be delighted to have a wife who cooked.

Growing up my Mom never had supper for us when we got home from school. We were lucky if there was anything in the house to eat. Sometimes she would cook a turkey for Thanksgiving but we never had a special dinner for Christmas. She always claimed she hated Christmas because her Dad had died on Christmas Eve. Truth was most of the money went for booze every month. My Mom never really cooked much unless her brother or sisters were coming to visit. Then she pulled out all of her tricks.

I always envied kids who got the family and holiday dinners. The comfort food meals I tend to cook feed that little kid inside me. It gives me a real satisfaction to see people enjoy my food. Jon enjoys it even though he fusses about his figure lol.
It was the opposite with me - mom was always cooking - everything and anything. We were definitely food-spoiled. But you are the opposite of her and doing an excellent job! sometimes we learn by others mistakes.
My mouth waters at the thought of the meals you must have come home to Mama. I adore Italian food. Italian food is food for the soul.
I have to admit - I was very fortunate. Not everyone's mom cooked - even though in my day moms were home all day and didn't work. I swear my mom never slept - always cooking and baking.
Those memories are very precious. The house must have always smelled wonderful.

That is the biggest reason I love to go all out on Halloween. My nieces will always remember Aunt Janie taking along hot chocolate, bananas and cookies when they trick or treated and snapping pics the whole time. Then going to Papaw Frank's for pizza, chips, cookies, cupcakes and pop. Before they go home they get their candy buckets I have for them. My Mom's sisters never had a kind word for us so I always make sure and tell my nieces all of the time that I think they are beautiful and smart. My little sister remembers tons of things I used to do like that for her when she was a kid and does them all with her girls.
Children need encouraging words - my babies are having a tough time - their mom is going thru a lot and their dad and his new wife are very cruel - I'm the only one they can depend on - I do their homework with them, praise them, compliment them, make things for them, take them places - what a real gram would do (even tho we are not related in any way) - they don't have a gram to do all that - so I do it and I love it. We may not be blood - but we are closer than blood! they have many wonderful memories that I've given them and I will do it until I die.