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One Holiday Finished ....


New member
Well guys we are all done with Halloween. Thanksgiving is up next. That one gives us foodies a chance to really show off our skills. We can get in there and really bring out the flavors of the holidays. I actually have my first Thanksgiving dinner soon on the 7th of Nov at my mother in laws.

Did you guys have a lot of trick or treaters? There didnt seem to be as many kids out this year and the ones who were out didnt stay out long because it was freezing cold. My father in law normally gets around a dozen kids at his door only got one besides the family kids. I did see some super cute costumes. One little guy about four was dressed as Santa was the cutest!
not a good halloween all the way around - my babies maternal gram died on saturday putting a damper on our plans - it was fast in a way - long story but she is now free of all she had been through - wake tomorrow, funeral wednesday

we usually get hundreds of kids - only 4 came by because of the cold -

so here i sit waiting for snow and thinking about a friendship that has come to an end after 34 years.........
I'm so sorry Mama. It is a terrible time for you and Rick.

They are calling for a temp of 21 one night next week. It is getting bitter cold fast.
It has already been down to 29 two different nights so far.
I'm so sorry Mama. It is a terrible time for you and Rick.

They are calling for a temp of 21 one night next week. It is getting bitter cold fast.
It has already been down to 29 two different nights so far.

Condolences from my end too mama and Rick... What a sad time of loss. Sympathies to you and all the dear loved ones...
thank you all - I appreciate it

and yes - it's dang cold - I have a feeling that this year is going to be one of the coldest winters - not sure about how much snow - it's hard to tell because we get hammered cuz of the lake - but I do feel it's going to be one of the coldest on record - and LONG
There's now less than 2 months left to this year - gosh it went by so fast! I never had a chance to even start my 2010 New Year's resolutions yet! LOL
Yeah it seems like just yesterday I was complaining about the heat. Im afraid Mama is right and we are in for a very cold winter.
How much snow did you get Mama?
My sis fell coming from a steakhouse on snow and ice yesterday. She is pretty banged up. I have her a loaf of banana nut bread in the oven her hubby is going to pick up for her this evening. She assures me it will make her feel better lol.
well everything was covered - that's for sure - not enough to shovel - thank heaven - I'm not ready for that yet - this week it is supposed to hit 50 again - then I can rake more darn leaves - I think I am going to go out in the dark and shake the crap out of my trees (silver maples that reach the heavens - ) to get the leaves off them - I am totally buried in gold leaves - plus the other leaves in the neighborhood party with mine all over my driveway and lawn - btw - can't shake those trees - they are too strong!
it didn't bother me when I was younger - now I am at the age where I don't want to put up with bad weather - I'm a peaceful person and I like nice calm weather - I don't think there is a place on earth that is perfect - so I'll just deal with it and complain when it gets to be too overwhelming! LOL
at least we don't get tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcano eruptions, earthquakes
We get pretty decent weather I guess. I like winter better than summer heat.

Thanksgiving will be here soon. I picked my bro's turkey up at Walmart yesterday and put it in Jon's Daddy's deep freezer. It was a brand I had never seen but only .68 a pound. Jon's brother's wife may not be able to do Thanksgiving at their place like normal since she just had surgery. Jon said his Dad is already talking about having it at his house. I got a little 12 pound turkey for my brother. I dont mind making his dinner. I am not going to even bring up Thanksgiving with Jon's Dad. I am not volunteering for anything. We got a little 5 3/4 pound duck the other day at Krogers for Thanksgiving for the two of us.

Im going to pull out my cookbooks and get figured out what I want to make and for who. If I dont do it in advance I cant keep it all straight and get the proper groceries.
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