the problem for me is i have both conservative and liberals ideals.
I am for individual responsibility, self-sustanance, small government, less gov't. Control, lower taxes, a strong military, and individual rights. I'm for legal immigration, keeping jobs in america, and safe utilization of america's natural resources. Sounds conservative, right?
But then i believe just as strongly or more strongly in gay equality rights, separation of church and state, and a woman's right to choose her own reproductive options. And while to some these are liberal ideals- to me they're actually conservative. Afterall, to me they're clearly constitutuionally directed. But most conservatives disagree.
I roll my eyes at both conservatives and liberals. And i don't fit in well in either camp.
And the worst part is it's almost impossible to find a candidate or any politician who thinks the same as i do on matters. So i almost always feel like i'm casting my vote for a devil when i vote- a devil who doesn't share my concerns or care about things important to me.
I absolutely hate divisiveness, perpetual bickering, failure to meet on common ground and denial of liberty to some. I believe america needs to respect, protect and encourage all families- not just the archaic traditional families that used to be way back in the ozzie & harriet days of the 1950's. And i believe government needs to stay out of churches and out of bedrooms and out of our pocketbooks!
I wish politicians and americans in general were truly as about personal freedoms and individual choice as we all say we are. But that's not really the case at all.