I'm interested in the flocking of everyone to Facebook and would like to know more on what they do well. If they don't have forums, how can you connect with others with like interests, from your profile?
I don't use Facebook but my outside view is it has identity of users and that is a plus for them. Where the web is wild and the spammers are trying to push their pills anonomously, on Facebook, you can't spam because people know who you are and can control access. Maybe that's a conundrum that on the www no-one knows who I am but on Facebook I'm in my neighborhood with friends and I like it that way? The solution for part this has always existed on the web but for some reason no-one uses digital keys to sign messages. Probably because they don't know about it and makes no money for Norton etc. Yet, the keys could come with your new computer setup for you and ready to go as part of the purchase, since you paid for the machine with money and most likely a credit card, the identity is established. But we don't do that. Instead we spend $50/year for anti-spam services.
Anyway, I'm guessing on Facebook you have a group of friends and you share cooking ideas with them somehow. If someone starts talking about politics, you personally ban them by unfriending them? I guess the control is more granular then a moderator banning a rogue person that is offense to most (but maybe not all -- I get it that some people might like things others don't) and it might exist in this version of vbulletin or there is an addon for it.
What I was trying to say in my previous post was that as companies like Facebook get large some things get attention and others don't. There are limited resources, even if you have 5,000 programmers, things are prioritized. What ends up happening is something like, you get people that can answer the phone but not provide an answer and either put you in a 2 hour queue or tell you someone that knows the answer may call you back within 30 days, while you are sleeping or mowing your lawn.
I'm interested in the flocking of everyone to Facebook and would like to know more on what they do well. If they don't have forums, how can you connect with others with like interests, from your profile?
I don't use Facebook but my outside view is it has identity of users and that is a plus for them. Where the web is wild and the spammers are trying to push their pills anonomously, on Facebook, you can't spam because people know who you are and can control access. Maybe that's a conundrum that on the www no-one knows who I am but on Facebook I'm in my neighborhood with friends and I like it that way? The solution for part this has always existed on the web but for some reason no-one uses digital keys to sign messages. Probably because they don't know about it and makes no money for Norton etc. Yet, the keys could come with your new computer setup for you and ready to go as part of the purchase, since you paid for the machine with money and most likely a credit card, the identity is established. But we don't do that. Instead we spend $50/year for anti-spam services.
Anyway, I'm guessing on Facebook you have a group of friends and you share cooking ideas with them somehow. If someone starts talking about politics, you personally ban them by unfriending them? I guess the control is more granular then a moderator banning a rogue person that is offense to most (but maybe not all -- I get it that some people might like things others don't) and it might exist in this version of vbulletin or there is an addon for it.
What I was trying to say in my previous post was that as companies like Facebook get large some things get attention and others don't. There are limited resources, even if you have 5,000 programmers, things are prioritized. What ends up happening is something like, you get people that can answer the phone but not provide an answer and either put you in a 2 hour queue or tell you someone that knows the answer may call you back within 30 days, while you are sleeping or mowing your lawn.