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The ravenous horde came and left a sandy landscape


New member
Hi all,

since i said i was busy preparing my daughter birthday party, i want to share the buffet "menu".

Sweet italian Salame
Spicy Italian Salame
Mascarpone with anchovies paste
Puff pastry mini pizzas

First courses:
Cannelloni with Porcini
Cannelloni with Pesto

Main courses:
a whole sucking pig
sausage sandwiches

Side dishes:
Beans (i call them spaghetti western way)
Cime di rapa (which in english should be turnip's plant and flowers)
Scarola with Anchovies, olives, raisins... (sorry i haven't been able to find a translation for scarola, it is a kind of lattuce)

Lucker tort (a slight variation of Sacker Tort)
Wow what a FEAST indeed!!!! I was surprised and delighted to see some things on your menu that I myself prepare and eat, such as turnip greens and roots, beans and such! I am interested in how you prepared your beans {spaghetti way?} it sounds different and I would like to try it as I love beans. If you find the time to share please do! And suckling pig OH MY!!!!
Yea, the "whole sucking pig" made me smile:p Sorry but I have to ask, was it served with head still attached? We cook our pigs on cookers outdoors all day, how do you prepare yours?

Normally it should, but i severed the head (saving the cheeks) because it didn't fit the swiss oven.

i'll provide you and Cathy the recipes in the following days...
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Wow! Sounds like a great party and great food ! Bet your Daughter loved it.
thanks, my daughter turned 4 so she didn't care too much but the cake :)
i can tell you that the parents of her friends, in other word my friends :) liked it a lot

satisfying first Cathy request here is the beans recipe

this recipe is a way i prepare beans and serve them as side dish, it has the same creamy aspect of the beans that as kid i saw spaghetti western cowboys eat with a big chunk of bread as spoon :)

1kg boiled white beans you can use a can of white beans, possibly one which has nothing more than water, salt and obiously beans)
150g bacon
100g tomato (fresh or peeled)
1 piece of celery
1 garlic clove
1 chili pepper
extra vergin olive oil

Chop the bacon in small cubes, smash the garlic clove with the aid of a kitchen knife blade.
Put in a pan the a splash of olive oil, bacon, garlic, celery and chili pepper. When the garlic will start getting brown, add beans and tomato, mix them, then add a glass of hot water, cover the pot, and let it cook. We want to reach a point in which the sauce becomes creamy.
When you are happy of the result it's tiiiiime to eat!

Buon Appetito!
Pasta e Sfizi
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Hello. The bean recipe sounds delicious. I've been trying so many new recipes this week, my son asked me if I'd joined a new cooking class:p Told him no, I just found some new friends with great recipes:)
Thank you so much Luca!!! I will visit your site to get the other recipe!

Julie, my fiance' says the best thing I ever did was join SP and he says this after eating another satisfying meal and licking his lips:D

P.S. Luca I went to your site I saw there another excellent sounding recipe called Asparagus Au Gratin, Wow does that sound yummy!!!
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On the contrary! I'm going to try the pumpkin with shrimp recipe this evening. I can't wait to see his face when I cook the heads and skin:eek: He enjoys watching and I'm teaching him to cook. So this should be an interesting experience for both of us.

Oh Julie,

i'm really pleased you will try it, i can't wait to know if you'll enjoy it.

Meanwhile i have uploaded in the SP album (how can you get there i don't know, perhaps in my profile) the picture of the suckling pig

Buon Appetito!
I'll let you know the results tomorrow;) And the pig - sooo cool:) As I mentioned in a earlier post, we only cook whole pigs on cookers outside. Josh would have a hoot if I cooked a whole one like that in the oven.

ehm i can't figure what an "cooker outside" is, is it a tool or a person...

Anyway i had only my oven and a pig, so no other solution :)
Oh these cookers are built on wheels and are huge about 5-6 feet long and 3-4 feet wide. They look like huge metal barrels with smoke stacks and some people use propane and some use charcoal or wood in the bottom. They cook large pigs 100lbs+ and it takes most of the day to cook them. They are very popular for fairs, Fourth of July and other special occasions that are usually celebrated outside. I found a picture on a site you may view BQ GRILLS
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wow, it sounds a tool i can't miss, i just need to move from my apartment and take a place with garden :)

well my pig was 8Kilos, roughly 16/17 lbs a fair match with my oven
Suckling Pig


as promised here is the way i made the pig.

i already said i severed the head because it didn't fit the oven so you do as you wish.

i opened it from throat to the groin, and stuffed it with

6-7 garlic cloves (just smashed)
bunch of pepper grain
bigger bunch of fennel seeds
5-6 twigs of rosemary
4-5 smashed juniper berry

i would have liked to add some fennel greens but i couldn't find it.

i treated the skin with extravirgin olive oil and salt

i closed it and i kept it in the fridge for about a day before cooking it

To cook it i put it on a grill with a backing pan below (other wise my wife would have killed me :D) i add treated again the skin with oil and salt.
then i put it in the oven at 130 C° degree (266 F°) for 4 hours (i flip it after 2) and then i give finished with 20 minutes at 220 C° degree (428 F°)

Buon Appetito
Pasta e Sfizi
That little piggy looks totally YUMMY!!! Good thing you would not allow all the drippings from it to free fall into the bottom of your oven [wife approving or not:D] it could start a fire in the oven!

The best suckling pig I ever tasted was cooked in a pit dug in the back yard by our Cuban neighbors, it was soooo good and tasty!!! I know your was probably picked clean by the time everyone left the party!!!

PORK RULES!!! It truly is a wonderfully flavorful meat!

Also what are your favorite breads to make?
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Great rules!
in some places in italy they dig pits and they cook rabbit in it, result is pretty good too, but pork meat is so much more tasteful than rabbit one