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What Do Folks Hope YOU'LL Bring?


New member
Some events we prefer to do all the cooking for, ourselves...

But, when you host a potluck, an appetizer party, a dessert buffet, or a casual tailgate gathering what do you hope certain folks on your guest-list bring?

Is Mary known for her special spinach-dip? Frank for his spectacular cheesecake? Rhoda for her out-of-this-world l'il smokeys?

And when folks invite YOU- what is it they secretly hope YOU bring to their function? :)
I do not get the chance to make as many side dishes as I would like because Im the one who always cooks the main course. When your cooking a ham and turkey in my tiny kitchen it doesnt leave much room for sides. Plus, I always make atleast a couple different desserts for our family dinners. I always make the coleslaw, potato salad and deviled eggs. Everyone wants a roasted veggie and I make fresh brioche rolls. Have to make homemade mac and cheese with some smoked pepper bacon crumbles in it. Jon's Dad makes some stuff but he is so obsessed with fat and salt/sugar that it is all bland.
I cook for a couple days and take things to his Dads to get everything done. I always make a cheese ball and one other appetizer for people to munch on because someone is always going to be late and hold off dinner for everyone else. I was delighted when I found a crudite platter at the flea market. It will be nice to add some fresh veggies and dip to the next holiday dinner.

When I go to his Moms for holiday dinners I dont take anything unless she asks me to. She normally orders the meal from somewhere premade or orders pizzas.
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I wouldn't know like to bring "something" since I am the one that does it all - you just bring your appetite - and you usually go home with loads of goodies!
That's a rough one, Kevin. So many possibilities.

I think folks who know me would prefer a cross sampling of my various small plate type offerings. Nothing particular stands out, except maybe my mini-hot browns. But that would just be among the Kentuckians.

My pineapple cheese casserole (you know, that secret dish shared by only a few million midwesterners) seems to always be welcome.

As to what others bring to me. There's one friend who's sausage balls are to die for, and she can always bring a platter of those. Another friend specializes in wierd casseroles---never had the same one twice, never was disappointed. He's made things like hominy casseroles, and hash brown casseroles. It's all good.
You folks all gave some GREAT answers! All your "must have" grub sounds delish!

As I've mentioned before- folks invite me and always expect decorated layer-cakes, smoked salmon goodies and cheeseballs. I guess there are worse things to be known for! I wish like hell I could make a decent devilled egg or potato salad, though! I can put a dent in a good bowl of tater salad- but I cannot actually MAKE a good one to save my soul!

And Brook- I can also really put away me some pineapple cheese casserole, too...

mama- I know you love to cook and you're damned good at it- but sometime you gotta tell folks that it's time THEY do some of the work! Hee-Hee!
It's really amazing to me, Kevin. Virtually everybody in the Midwest knows about that pineapple cheese casserole. And nobody else has ever heard of it. So it's a hit whenever I bring it. And other folks at the party then want the recipe; or expect me to bring it when they throw a shin-dig.
Ham & Cheese Logs Recipe From Cookie :)

:) At the Holidays I always bring Cut-out :D Cookies decorated, Rum Balls, Fudge,sometimes a Pumpkin Pie.

I make Ham & Cheese Logs, here's the recipe:

4oz. Sharp Cheddar Cheese shredded (1 CUP)
1 8oz. pkg. Philadelphia Cream Cheese softened
1 4 1/2 oz. can of Deviled Ham (sometimes hard to find)
1/2 Cup Black Olives Copped
1 cup of Chopped Pecan

Have cheddar cheese at room temp. 1) In small bowl beat together cheddar cheese & cream cheese until blended.
2) Beat in deviled ham stir in olives & chill:cool:

* Shape into 2 8 inch. long logs. Roll into pecans. serve with crackers.
Yum, cookie! Being a cheese-ball connisseur, this is right up my alley!

We ate deviled ham sandwiches a lot while growing up. I haven't seen it in years! Does it still come in the tiny l'il cans wrapped in white paper with the tiny red devil and pitchfork on the front?

Brook- I know what you mean about the pineapple casserole! Hell- one can't attend a basement church supper or a family reunion potluck anywhere here without seeing at least one of'em! Yum!
Last time I saw a can yea it still came in a tiny can, with the tiny red devil & pitchfork on the front. Wanted to make this recipe last year & couldn't find deviled ham any where. I don't know if it was because it was around the Holidays or what but I couldn't make it for the party. I haven't looked for it since then. There's nothing like Home-made Cheese- balls, logs. Cookie :)