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Fluffy Pancakes ?

I don't see that tasting good... carbonation in food? Maybe it would taste good, I'll have to try it that way.
fluffy pancakes

The key to a great pancake is separating the yolks from the whites and whipping the whites until fluffey and folding them in with the rest of the other ingredients.
I also second the buttermilk Taste great:D
I LOVE BISQUICK. My pankcakes always turn out nice and fluffy with this brand. I cook them on my gridle. I make them according to the package.
Hmmm...we don't use buttermilk & our pancakes come out fine. Maybe you have the heat too high & don't cook them long enough. We use regular Hungry Jack pancake mix. Good luck.
I have never made the homemade kind before. :eek: We just always buy the premade mix. Hungry Jack or Aunt Jamima. lol