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Halloween Picture


New member
My nieces in their Halloween costumes. They had a party at school today.

Hi, Happy Halloween, Your nieces look like there having lots of fun, costumes are great!!
Cookie :)
Cookie it is wonderful to hear from you and thanks. They love Halloween. Every other day of the year they are girly girls but on Halloween they like to rock their dark side.
Happy Halloween to you too! I get to take them Trick or Treating this Mon from 6-8. I am really looking forward to it. I have a big bucket of candies for each of them. I am gonna make my chocolate chip peanut butter cookies and hot chocolate to take with us while they are out t or t. They have to have bananas and they requested cupcakes made that they could decorate with sprinkles and then take home. I'll have those all ready when they get here. After they are done then we go to my father in laws for pizza, pop and other assorted junk. The high temp for Monday is only supposed to be 53 and down to the lower 30's that night. Gonna be a cold one.
Absolutely ADORABLE, Janie! I hope the girls had as much fun as seeing them all decked-out in their festive garb is for us! :)

Happy Halloween, ALL!
Now those are some cute kids. And from what you are doing for them they gonna have a fun time. Some how I just can tell. CF
Thanks. Our weather here has been nuts. Snow on two occasions including today. Supposed to be down to 28 tomorrow night. I'm hoping it is decent enough on Mon to take the kids trick or treating but it is not looking good. 30% chance of rain and a high of 57 and low of 32 that night. 30% chance of rain today and it has rained all freakin day.
Well we got snow - and I am tired of it already! THINK SPRING!

You know - the trees have just begun to shed their leaves and we never got to peak with them this year - not good for our trees! So many leaves on the trees yet. I was thinking of going out and shaking my tree (yeah right like I could budge a 40+ foot silver maple) but the neighbors would most likely join in and shake their's too - and I don't feel like starting a new fad with them. LOL
No snow here, but they are saying ice storms for this winter. (at least its water). Anyway I have been shopping for an electric generator. We have a fire place but no gas. All electric. We do lose power a lot in the winter. CF
My furnace is running non-stop - and it's not even winter yet.
I haven't watched TV in a while - but they said that New England got it bad and they have no power. So glad it passed over us!!
We took shelter under a tree when it came a little light rain which last about 5 minutes. It was not a thunderstorm. Other than being very cold they had fun. How did you Grandchildren like their candy?

Catie has all the food groups covered. A bucket of candy, fudge, pop, pizza & play station. They had a bag of doritos and a plate of cookies on the floor between them. It was so funny when I gave her the bucket she said is it all mine. I said oh yeah ... have at it lol. We gave them a cool set of walkie talkies we thought they would have fun with.
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My grand kids were happy with the candy buckets. I didn't get to see them. We live 14 miles apart. My son being a single parent took them around town where they live. Our weather was nice, cool but not real cold.
Your girls look mighty happy. Love the photos.
I had the same trouble with the photo posting. I had to go back to the old way, post from my photo bucket account. CF