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Halloween Picture

E wanted to decorate cupcakes so I baked them off before they came and turned her loose on them with the icing and sprinkles.

I had to load Photo Commander and then re-save the pics in the same format before they would show up on here.
Thanks .. the kids had a good time. I cooked their Mama braised Italian short ribs and Parmesan risotto with rosemary garlic focaccia. I gave them every thing they didn't finish to take home.
I'm glad it's over!

Every year I get the babies either a pumpkin, bucket, bag, sack - and this year I decided that I was going to use halloween bowls instead. they can always use them for snacks when they have their family movie nights! So I filled their bowls with candy, cookies, cracker sandwiches, snack bags, and other goodies. They love it - it was a bit different. And they used the bowls to hold the candy they got from going house to house.

It's niced now than it was then - it was cold - I have a feeling we are going to have a long cold winter starting now.

We don't have kids on our street - but they pull up in mini busses and get dropped off. I don't believe in that and my whole end of the street will not give to those kids. We shut our lights off. These kids are wild and just tear through everything knocking down decorations and they are totally obnoxious. Kids like that we don't need here. And their parents let them destroy anything because they don't live around here. It's not right. Ruins the night.
Mama, we never get any kids, we are not to far from town but don't have many houses. And our house is about 1/2 mile up the drive from the road.
You feeling better? CF
The kid we get are from other areas - and we live in houses that are about 4 feet away from each other. Suburbia - it stinks!

Thank you for asking - I do feel a bit better - but this weather and the germs I get from the kids - well you know how that goes. I've decided to keep up with tons of homemade soups with my meals - homemade soups always m ake everything better. They fix what ails ya!

We should have "normal" fall weather for a few days - through the weekend - but you can feel the snow coming.
Happy your better. Keep up with the good food. I to like soup, potato is my favorite. Don't like most canned soup.
Normal weather? I haven't a clue what that is anymore. CF
That kid is in a happy mode. Nice photo. Love it.
Some meal you cooked, they should be very pleased. CF

Thanks. They had a good time and made some good memories which is what it is all about. Taking them trick or treating is my fav thing all year. They are now arguing with their Mama for the rest of their candy lol.
Thank you Janie - our weather is so screwy and everyone is sick. After a while you just get used to it!

So home is the bunny doing? and that poor abused dog?

Have you decided what you are doing for turkey day yet?
Pooh is old and arthritic just like his owners lol. Spike is forever trying to breed the dog.

I bought two fifteen pound turkeys on sale at Walmart a few days ago for .74 a pound. I am planning to make one for my brother's Thanksgiving and the other for a small Thanksgiving dinner with Jon's Daddy. Right now I have them stored in my father in laws deep freezer. I bought a little over three pounds of new york strip steaks that were on sale for $4.99 a pound. They are in the freezer now. I have six nice steaks I plan to use for Jon and I to do a surf and turf type thing on Thanksgiving. I have a couple pounds of large shrimp in the freezer already. Pair that with a nice loaded baked potato, salad and nice dessert and call it Thanksgiving for two. It has gotten about impossible to find a frozen duck around here like I had been doing for Thanksgiving. I spoke with the guy in the meat department at Walmart and he said they just do not get them anymore. I got one last year at Kroger but I just didn't want to hassle with trying to chase one down this year. I only get to Kroger once every couple of months anyway. Maybe I can find one for Christmas.

As far as I know Jon's Dad goes to his other son's for Thanksgiving. I do a Sunday supper Thanksgiving thing with him the Sunday before that. Jon and I stay home and do our own thing on Thanksgiving. Christmas will be pizzas my father in laws like last year unless he changes his mind. If he does he better be prepared to cook it lol. I always make a special Christmas dinner for Jon and I to have here late Christmas Day since his Dad always does things around 1pm.
Sounds like you are getting it all together. You deserve the quiet time with Jon - after all the cooking you have been doing - you need a rest.

Too bad you can't find a frozen duck. We've got tons of them up here.
I don't know what our plans are for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Wife and I both would like something simple. But the kids always expect something special. I keep wondering when they gonna grow up. Dang the baby is 43 years old. I need to quit thinking like that and just count my blessings.
Janie, you are awesome. All the planning and always thinking of others. And the animals.
Mama, pleased to see you are out and about some. Wishing just for you some fresh baked bread. CF:)
The lady who cuts mine and Jon's hair had 8 ducks she kept as pets back in the summer to give away. I teased her to keep them til the holidays for me lol. We got Jon's friend who has a small farm to adopt them and he has them spoiled rotten. He has a pond on his place the ducks love to swim in and they meet him at the back door every morning for their breakfast. Honestly if I knew someone around here selling fresh ducks I wouldn't mind buying one for Christmas. There are a lot of farms here but everyone just raises cattle. Beef is pricey no matter where you get it.

Mama if my father in law decides to do a big old Christmas dinner at his place he better be prepared to slap on an apron and cook it. Last year was the first time in 12 years I actually enjoyed Christmas without spending the day of with my back aching and half asleep from standing for three days before cooking. I'm done!
I volunteered to cook the little dinner for my brother who is disabled and I will do that a few days before Christmas. All I am making them are the turkey, gravy, mashed taters, mac and cheese, dressing, bread and something sweet for dessert. I take a lot of help from the store on their dinner so it is pretty easy. My brother is in bad health so I am super grateful when he is here to cook for any day of the year.
I would cook for him as well - to me - that is not labor - it is love. And he is lucky to have you and you are lucky to have him.

Got any Bun/pups yet? I'm trying to figure out if they would look more like the dog or more like the bunny! LOL
No bunny pups.. not for lack of Spike trying. I had my last rabbit from the time he was 3 weeks old til 2 weeks before his 5th birthday when he passed away. Never once did he try and breed the dog. He barely tolerated the dog and tried to kick his rear occasionally but not once did he ever try and breed him. My poor confused over sexed Spike.
Spike is heading for the Guiness Book of World Records or something!
My friends cat humps their boxer (male as well) all day and night and they both seem to enjoy it!
We're still waiting for "way-off-spring" - LOL!