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how do i do "navaja bread"

How neat! Yeah Long Beach wasn't the nicest place in the world when I lived there. Actually the roller coaster was no longer (there that I know of) when I lived there, and I was on-base daily! I liked the base bowling alley though!:)

The board walk I am thinking of must have been one we visited after getting stationed in Monterey CA and up the coast from Monterey. I keep wanting to say the name of the place started with a j but I am unsure. I just know it was fun, I will call my son and get the name of it....ok it was _______ (I will fill in the blank whe he calls me back and let's me know).

I actually consider myself very lucky as I got to see quite a bit of Cali! A very diverse and beautiful state! Too populated, and people totally ruin it, but what a beautiful state if you did not have that!
Possibly the Santa Cruz Boardwalk, one of the oldest.

Yes California is/was a very diverse and beautiful state. The land of fruits and nuts. Hollywood is no longer "Hollywood". I live a mile or so from Buena Park (Knott's Berry Farm) and farther down the road in Anaheim is Disneyland. The Wax Museum was famous and is gone now. Lots of history in the state, good and bad. Haight/Ashbury in San Francisco in the 60's was kool. I lived a block away from that intersection at that time.
CanMan it was Santa Cruz! My son called me back late last night and let me know, I was too tired to get on-line by that time:) Yes there are some fabulous places to visit in CA, and the weather is most excellent all year long! AND.....The fog does burn off:D

I can truly say you will never have a lack of something to do if you live in CA! The State Park system in and of itself is enough to keep one busy for Many Weekends worth of activity! I like that they are all free, or used to be as best I can remember:)

CanMan there is a Horse Track near where you live that I used to like to take the kids and visit, we would watch the races and pretend to be gambling. So much fun!
That would be the Los Alamitos Race Track I believe, just South of me a few miles. The Santa Anita track is farther North.
Yes Los Alamitos Race Track, there was once a horse named "Cathy's Cash". I never gambled but my girlfriend she did, and she picked ole' "Cathy's Cash" one night that she went, but I didn't go that night, well lo and behold that ole' Filly came in 1st place! You know my friend made my brood & I a homemade feast of Grilled Corned Beef Reuben sandwiches on rye, and she made it all from scratch - well except the rye bread:D She was truly glad that she had met me:D

Well enough about that......

Gazpacho where'd ya' go my friend? When you get the chance come on back and let us know how you are enjoying the Technical University. Are you planning on graduating soon? And when you do what are your dreams, and aspirations? Anymore trips to America in the near furure? I hope it is all going well for you and that you are making good grades! And are you ever planning on learning how to cook?

haha u are neat. i enjoy writing in this forum with no strict moderators :p

well... i'm attending the tech univerity since 2006 now... so approximately 2.5 years, thus 5 semesters. if u are aware of the system, u should know the "graduating system" or how u call it. i mean there are things like bachelor, master and in germany still diploma. serendipitously i still get the diploma when i graduate. That means i will have a pretty good start into the business life. all over the world engineers are being wanted. i considered traveling, respectively living and working in the USA. but i'm not sure of that... my english ain't that good, so it probably will be fricking hard.
besides that i wanna visit my parents and too much traveling will cost me much bucks :s
back to the university: right now i am in a "test-period" that is to say that i'm running low on leisure time.
i think i should invest more time in cooking, i'll start with that after i accomplished the exams.
Hey Gazpacho,

Best Wishes on all your exams!

You are smart to consider all the options you will have once you enter the world of Engineering! As you mentioned if you leave your country visiting home with your parents will be much more difficult. Speaking any language is much easier once you live in that country and are exsposed constanty to that country's native tongue, your English is excellent compared to my German which is like two words "Danka Shoen":D which I believe is thank you:confused: and I am sure that is not the correct way to spell it! Oh and yes....... the word "Gazuntike"! Now who do you think would make it where faster,you here in America or me in Germany? LOL:rolleyes:
I am sure you will find good employment no matter where you live, good engineers are high in demand!

Maybe when you get thru with exams you can use a little free time to develop some cooking skills. Once you visit your Mom and Dad and if your Mom will let you in her kitchen to "Play Aound" and you can do some experimenting and feed your folks some of your experiments! Both my sons cook and they will occassionally call me to ask advice, but not so much anymore since they are both almost pros now:) Start simlpe and cook easy things to prepare, just get yourself comfortable around a kitchen, and start out slow and easy...it is my opinion cooking should be an enjoyable and pleasant experience, and hopefully turn out some nice tasting food too;)

I love German baked goods the very best! One of my sisters married into a German family and I used to love eating with them!!! I no longer live close to them and I really miss those wonderful feasts. And at my sisters wedding reception they had Polka Band and much fantastic dancing and such food and celebrating!!! I love a BIG German wedding celebration!!! The town in Alabama where they live is called Elberta and since the town was founded and settled by people of German heritage, every year they have a GREAT BIG German Festival and they call it the "Sausage Festival" and also every October they have an "October Fest", these two events are very popular and well attended by folks from near and far!

Well I have taken enough time so I will go now, you take care and be happy, Cathy

P.S. Elberta, Alabama = Klar ist gut leben!!!
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oh, what an answer, kinda long :p
thank you in german would be "danke schoen" (i am using an american keyboard, so i can't spell the word "schoen" properly :p)

back to cooking topic: actually i could do some practicing at my parents house, but to be honest, i'm kinda lazy. so i should kick in my own ass to accelerate the learning process haha.
its really cool that there are german events in your country. I knew that they set up some "oktober fest" in las vegas, but i didn't know that they are celebrating german feasts in other areas too.
you wrote this in your post scriptum message: "
P.S. Elberta, Alabama = Klar ist gut leben!!! "
excuse me, but what do you mean? you wanna tell me that the life in alabama is great?

you wrote this in your post scriptum message: "
P.S. Elberta, Alabama = Klar ist gut leben!!! "
excuse me, but what do you mean? you wanna tell me that the life in alabama is great?

:D Yes, the Germans that settled Elberta, Alabama had a motto for their city "Elberta, Alabama; Sure is good living!" Of-course my German is so poor I probably botched it up, sorry!

And yes there are many cities in America that were settled by immigrants from all over the world, and as they came to settle a town or village they incorporated much of their wonderful and fun activities from their country into their city here in America. For example in New Orleans, Louisiana the French celebrated Mardi Gras, and now every year the tradition continues!:D I think it is wonderful the way many nations have left their imprint upon our nation:) It is so diverse and wonderful, the history behind each city is forever there thru traditions passed down so many years!

so u said ur mother of two children, so i was just wondering how old you are, don't feel offended, it's just out of interest ^^
Probably your Mom's age or even a little older, my youngest child is 27 yrs. old, and she is actually my third. I have 2 sons and 1 daughter. Being a parent is so much fun I decided to do it all over again and am raising my oldest grandchild! I am grandmother to 5!
oh my gosh! that sounds rather stressful ^^
my mother is somewhere in the mid-fifties :p just to mention that fact haha
so did u set up this forum and this homepage?
No Gazpacho not stressful at all, I really love children (especially when they are asleep);) And I would rather be raising her than not. I stay young because of her!!!! And your Mom and I are close in age, I am in my early 50's!

I did not set up this web-site I actually joined only about a little over a year ago. You can look on the right-hand top corner of the post and see the persons name and the actual month and year they joined. Then if you want to find out a little bit about that person you can go to the Top Navigator Bar under the Members List and click on it go to the letter their name starts with and click on their name after you find them and you can read a little about them, you remember when you joined you had to tell a little about yourself? Well that is for your biography for other members to get aquainted with you:)
I think you would like this site if you can find time to become familiar with it, if you care to. We actually have many areas where you can start a thread, you just go to the bottom right hand side of the home page and click on the FORUM JUMP GO button and find the topic you would like to start a thread on. For instance if you wanted to talk about a favorite recipe, or where to find a recipe click on SHARED RECIPES and then THREAD and start a new thread asking your question or sharing a recipe. Maybe let us know what kinds of German dishes are your favorite to eat and ask us how to prepare them and then sit back and watch for replys! It is easy, also when a person is on-line at the same moment you are there will be a little green button lit up beside their name. Whoever developed this Forum did a splendid job. At least I think so, would you agree?

I am going to go look up your biography! If you go to mine it will tell you my hobbies and there is a place there for us to put a photo of ourselves if we want to. You can also send Personal Messages to other members. I like Spice Place it has been good for me and I have learned so many new foods to cook and also have made friends and we even went on a mini-vacation one weekend and met up with another member here and we all went to the Heirloom Tomato Festival in Lexington, Kentucky. That turned out to be one of my favorite vacations in that whole summers activities!

Cheers, Cathy
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thanks for explaining me this forum so intensively, but actually all forums are built up the same and got the same structure so i am aware of the functions, thanks anyway ^^
i just noticed that the topic name is spelled incorrectly, it should be "navajo" :p

i'd love to attend such a meeting, but it will hardly be possible as i'm living thousands of miles away haah
Yes, Navajo is the name of the tribe of Indians that make the bread you love.
Since I never belonged to any forums before joining this one I had to learn all the many features of using it and am enjoying it better! It is fun to have forums to learn and communicate and befriend people from all over the world! I love this forum best because it is the friendliest, we are able to chatter about anything, and have fun sharing and many times we get off topic as you have seen!

Gazpacho, do you or your family garden in the summer? Is your growing season very long, and what are some of the favorite vegetables grown in your area? Many of us on this forum have gardens and I am just interested.

Several of us also have chickens and so we have fresh eggs every day. I live in the city, but we have a nice size backyard and it is enough to have a garden and a chicken house out back. It is nice to have fresh vegetables and eggs.:)
hey, yep, we garden during summer and autumn, strawberries, cranberries, apples etc.
i dunno if we still grow some vegetables :S
but we don't have the space - and i'm sure my mother does not have the passion - to have chickens :p i am the only one in my family who dislikes eggs.. i can't believe it how americans can eat soooo much egg, :p
i can't believe it how americans can eat soooo much egg, :p

Oh Gazpacho believe it!!! We have eggs fried, scrambled, boiled soft & hard, poached, deviled eggs [which you might just enjoy] also we eat pickled eggs, and we use many eggs in cooking and casseroles! I give eggs to my neighbors, our pharmacist, our daughter, and friends at work. And we still have many eggs for ourselves. And all those lovely eggs out of just 6 hens:) I love our chickens they are fun to raise and really not much trouble. Except we hope to move soon and now must buy a house where we will be allowed to keep them! There was a time in my life I did not care too much for eggs, maybe one day you will like them like me.

P.S. I do not eat eggs every day, nor even every other day, but I do like them when I have them!
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sry, i had loads of things to do ^^

i would open another question: i'm seeking for some typically "country-side-brewed"- beer. lol
i mean i am not that beer fan, but maybe there are some cool beers or other beverages typical for the western states.

sry, i had loads of things to do ^^

i would open another question: i'm seeking for some typically "country-side-brewed"- beer. lol
i mean i am not that beer fan, but maybe there are some cool beers or other beverages typical for the western states.


Hey Gazpacho,

Glad you are keeping busy! How are the term tests going? I mdo hoipe you're doing good on them!

I will start a new thread and ask your question re: home-brew there! I have never had homemade beer, but my grandma used to make some wonderful home- made wine we all loved it!

Good to hear from you, Cathy
hey well tests are going on fine, thou some are really hard :S

sry, but i couldn't find your thread, would u be so kind to post the link?