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How do you get avacados ripe?

Store unripe avocado's in a cool dark place, like your oven, just don't forget they're in there. They should ripen a lot faster that way.
Howdy lthipphawong!

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I learned a trick today about avocadoes. I opened an avocado that I was just sure was ripe only to find that it was still hard when I opened it. Since I had already cut into it the avocado had to be used so I wondered if you cook them will that keep them from discoloring and you know it works! I cut them into slices and sauteed them in a TBls of butter until they were soft and caramelized a little on both sides. Then I squeezed some lemon juice over to brighten them up. I have them now sitting in the fridge waiting to be tucked into a BLA sandwich or sliced to top salads.