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Plate my food to serve?

Seeing as how this thread started about food presentation I thought I'd mention a childhood memory.

Back in the day I had 6 brothers and sisters. A family of 9. I remember McDonalds back then use to give gifts when we went out for burgers once a week. Our so called dinnerware was supplied by McDonalds. All of our plates and Glasses. We had all the characters staring at us when we ate, Ronald McDonald, Mayor McCheese, Grimace and the Hamburgaler. Those are the only ones I can remember the names of. I think Mayor McCheese and Grimace were actually stolen from Pufnstuf. The funny thing, here it is 40 years later and my father still has most of those plates and still uses them today.
I can identify with your family's "china & crystal" patterns, IC!

At our house, what wasn't McDonald's or Hardee's glassware, was jelly jars, and dried beef or pimiento-cheese-spread jars!

We also ate soup, chili, stew and chowder out of re-cycled bright-colored margarine-tubs!
Hardee's glassware!

When I was a young married woman and PG with #1 child I began collecting the cartoon character glasses at Hardee's had 'em all:) They stayed in the family and my son still has a few that have survived. They were totally cool!

Growing up my family had a collection of jelly jar glasses, but the best thing that I can remember is all the really neat stuff my Mom got with S&H Green Stamps!:D

By the way I am 1 of 5 children growing up! My husband is one of 12 children! I miss big families:(

Some people complain about that really wonderful family that has a TV show done about their lives, they just had kid #18 I believe it is. They are very well behaved and a wonderful family. No welfare, home schooled, and I just love watching that show, it is heartwarming and real and is what family should be all about, everyone pulls together, and best yet the Father and Mother are dedicated! I believe if they want 20 kids then "Good on 'em"!!! Let them have as many as they want, these people know their stuff, and stand as a glowing example that big families can be wonderful!!!
Yes, and then there are the "Octo-Mom's" that will end up being a burden on society and all the other welfare moms that have more kids because they will get more money. There are always the good and the bad.
RE: "Yes, and then there are the "Octo-Mom's" that will end up being a burden on society"

I'm SO sick of this Octo-Mom crap. I cannot believe that we are turning this whacko into a celebrity. She's been on every news program and talk-show... prolly raking-in gazillions. Soon she'll have enuf funds for a follow-up botox treatment, and new hair extensions! It's only a matter of time before she has corporate sponsors, a reality show, and her own line of tennis shoes. I not only dislike it- I resent it. Who the hell's looking after her 14 kids as she globe-trots and sits in green rooms waiting to be introduced by Dr. Phil, Katie Couric and Diane Sawyer? When was the last time she was even HOME and held each of her 14 babies?

Then there sits the poor couple who cannot have their own baby- nor can affford pricy IVF... or the couple battling the system trying like hell to adopt the children our society abandons or has taken away from them, but running into road-block after road-block. It just burnz my azz!
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I think having siblings just teaches you to share and how to co-exist peacefully with other people. My husband is an only child and you can tell. He does not like to share at all.
I have a hard time sometimes believing I survived coexisting with all my siblings. As far as sharing goes, I had 3 older sisters. Hand me downs were not cooooool. Having to play with paper dolls, not coooool, being the protective brother of those three, mind boggling.
I love the in-put and it interests me how each one of you have a different take each one is a valid in-sight and yes the Octo-Mom globetrotting and making headlines is enough to make one sick and say "there ought to be a law!" But my main observation was big families are neat, but then they too have their DRAW-BACKS!
In our kitchen we have a (round) table that seats 4. I always have a candle in the middle. We don't have a formal dining room. We usually eat in the kitchen. I use plates, bowls, cups etc... (paper plates - when it's carry-out & always paper napkins.) I always try to make it Look attractive, what-ever I'm serving.

I have a Bad habit of eating in my car and that's another story... out of a bag, box, fast, quick, messy!!

When we have a party it's usually in the summer and we have it on our deck where there is a table for 8. and very non-formal. I really Love those little Bistro-tables, they are so Cute! We eat outside in the nicer weather, can't wait! Cookie :)
Cookie like you I love dining outdoors, and setting a nice table for guests it is so much fun! We finally found the house we are going to buy, it has a deck and we are going to put a pergula over it so we will enjoy dinners out there alot!!!