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Announcing A Contest

Ya' know KYH makin' us hang out all night and wait for the real answer is along the lines of cruel and unusual punsishment! You do know that don't you :D

Come on give us mathmetician infidels a break here :eek: pweeze
Dammit, Brook! Come clean!

...or do you need overnight to figure it out, yourself?????

(c'mon gang- let's SHAME him into revealing TONIGHT!)
I kinda get the feelin this un could be plumb stubrn like mi ole' mule Bessie, yup a real stubrn un an aint likeley no mout o whiskey could loosen 'is ole tonge neither! Hump!!!
And The Winner Is......

Ok, here we go.

That particular batch weighed in at 30.8 ounces.

So we can conclude that 50 fileted bluegill comes in at = or - two pounds.
Wow I could manage my weight a little easier if I had a steady diet of 3 bluegills every night, and limited sides, I'd get back that school girl figure from days gone by.......

Bye all I'm grabbing my cane pole a piece of white bread and going Blugill fishing!!!

Just gotta point out that I came the closest with my last guess of 1 lb. 4 oz. Just feelin the need for a little recognition here! LOL

It just took me 3 trys to arrive at that #, well they say the 3rd times a charm!!!
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If this were the price is right, Cathy, yeah, you were closest without going over the actual weight.

But, considering there is neither prize nor reward, what the heck.

Tell ya what. When I see you in two weeks I'll give you a big hug and kiss. That should be recognition enough, donchathink.
I cain't talk right now... this loser is lickin' his wounds over being SO far off! Just leave me be... (I'll be fine in a bit- jes' giv me my space...)
Why The Ocean Is Better

So, the grand total, after all that work, was 5 1/2 pounds of pure bluegill meat.

On one hand, that's a bunch of great meals waiting to happen. But considering the amount of time it took getting there one has to question if it was worth it.

Look at this, as just one comparison. On our Outer Banks trip, two Spanish mackeral (which were on the small side for that species) and one triggerfish yielded more meat than all those 'gills.

I had them fileted and packaged in less than 15 minutes.
In honor of all of us loosers.........

I cain't talk right now... this loser is lickin' his wounds over being SO far off! Just leave me be... (I'll be fine in a bit- jes' giv me my space...)


Don't feel so bad, I remember lots of famous loosers.....Hubert Humphrey, then there was, George McGovern, Eugene McCarthy, George Wallace, why heck they even say it took ole' Abe Lincoln a few tries to win! So keep yer chin up, keep pluggin' away and maybe next time you'll win!!!

And look how lucky I got: After 3 tries I got close enough to garner a Big Ole Teddy Bear Hug & Kiss from KYH! Now that 'aint exactly loosin in my book!!!

P.S. And who could ever forget Walter Mondale!?!
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