Mama Mangia
Super Moderator
Hi Mama, I have been looking for you, I wanted to thank you for your Denver/western omelet recipe. I was having trouble with folding an omelet and your sugestion, letting it cook first, taking up the edges a bit, and then folding helped a lot it didn't scramble on me lolCookie
well Cookie - now to get you a nice saute pan, learn to season it well so that eggs don't stick and get you to cook on one side and then flip your eggs (nice wrist action there) to cook the other side - once flipped (gotta have a well seasoned pan for this and it will take practice - ) you then place some nice cooked fillings on one side and once the fliped side has cooked, just slide onto your plate (filled half first) and using that nice wrist action fold the other side over - TA DA!
I love flipping eggs! Makes nice over easy or hard, scrambled, omelets..........