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Are you prepared?

It is so fascinating how environmental concerns seem to fall along party lines. I can't understand how people who claim to worship the Creator treat His creation so cavalierly (is cavalierly a word?). I know many good people who roll their eyes and scoff at the very mention of global warming. Why is that? I've become so cynical that I believe they've been sold a line by politicians who are in the pockets of big oil, big manufacturing, big etc.
I guess it is because environmental issues "are" political, especially when you have witnessed it over more than one generation. The only constant value is the size of the people's ego thinking they are superior.

Global warming "is" a serious issue and we (mankind) contribute to it, but to think that we are solely responsible for it is, again, an inflated ego. Mother Earth and Mother Nature have dealt with worse things long before we were walking around and will be dealing with things long after we are gone....and yes we are scheduled to leave.

Of course nobody seemed to read my earlier post that Global Warning is not limited to our planet. It is happening with other planets in our solar system, starting with the outer planet, Pluto. Could it be, therefore, that we are experiencing something much bigger and broader than our tiny planet.
Back from Vacation! I did read your earlier post CanMan. The earth is undergoing changes and has before, and will again as it is cyclical and very much a part of the very nature of our planet, and as you pointed out other planets are as well. There was a similar warming about 4 million years ago. It took millions of years to warm up and many millions more to come full circle and equal out. I agree 100% with your comment that inflated human ego can hold mankind responsible for every darned thing! Why hell we created the world and all the order and design with our mind-controling and we imagined everything into being, and so we can just of-course be held responsible for all of it right down to the last star that exploded eons ago, right up this this very moment in time! We are all powerful, all knowing, & by gosh we are supreme beings and we can fix everything just fine by ourselves as we are all god's. That's the way these alter-ego over-inflated ego maniacal damned politicians believe, why they can fix everything just fine, as long as we the people hand them all the money to fix it, because these god's would dare not use a cent of their own money because god-forbid if they did with-out for one minute of their fricking existance!!! And we should bow down in shame and give them all our money (as it is all our fault the world is in the shape it's in anyway) and we should just hang our heads in shame and let all the political god's fix our screw-ups, because after all they are god! We did create all this global warming and we "peon evil little god's" just suck don't we!!!
I did read your earlier post CanMan. The earth is undergoing changes and has before, and will again as it is cyclical and very much a part of the very nature of our planet, and as you pointed out other planets are as well.
Quite true about our planet, but NOT what I said and definitely not what I meant, but I guess everyone's thinking is just stuck here on this planet.
There was a similar warming about 4 million years ago. It took millions of years to warm up and many millions more to come full circle and equal out.
I must have been out of town for that warning. Do you have any information on that? I'm wondering if that is when Earth acquired its unique characteristics and moved from the 7th to the 3rd planet in our Solar System. Has anyone ever thought about our planet enough to research why it is so unique with a land mass that only equals half a planet with the rest filled with water?

And you are quite correct about things working in cycles. One that effects our planet occurs every 3,600 years, not 4 million years, and its a humdinger. You needed worry however. We are only at about 3,598 years at the present time. Plenty of time to party. :)
One thing we all would do well to keep in mind is that we are not experts- in fact, unless one of us is hiding some expertise that the rest of us don't know about (which, actually, is quite literally very possible, now that I think of it!) we at best express only our preferred opinions of others whom we decide to trust.

Oh sure- we may clip links to articles and quote studies- we may carry around copies of Smithsonian, National Geographic and lengthy, impressive scientific journals- but the long and short of it is even the learned experts disagree.

Find a hundred scientists who swear by global warming and you'll find a hundred who feel we're in the middle of a deep freeze. Find one who thinks it's all caused by over-population of China and you'll find one who thinks it's caused by the over-eating of "Lucky Charms" breakfast cereal! It's all a matter who whose story we individually decide to believe- and how well they sell it! Combine that with the hotbed topics of politics- and voila! You've got the makings for controversy, argument and debates that don't stand a chance of ever being solved.

And something tells me, based on our past world history regarding the whole world is flat mentality, and subsequent "awakenings" throughout the centuries- it's likely that not one single scientist so far has even ventured close to happening onto the actual truth, yet.

Folks in a thousand years are likely to look back and either laugh their azzes off at us- or grow silent and force suppression of feelings of anger & hate over our inability to get past ourselves and "get it". That is- if we're even still here.

The bottom-line key-factor for me is, "don't crap next to your feed-dish" (every cat knows that- why can't humans figure it out?!)
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If you listen to all the "authorities" (if you want to call them that) you will go nuts.

Just help to take care of the planet and not abuse it for future generations. It's like an old house - take care of it and it will be there for a while yet and still be enjoyable - don't take care of it - well - it will rot away taking many beautiful and needed things with it.
I must have been out of town for that warning. Do you have any information on that? :)

:D I love it CanMan!!!

On a serious note I will try and aquire where I heard the 4 million yr. theory and pass that info on to you when I get it.

On another note: most of what I said yesterday was me simply rambling on in an utterly sarcastic non-sencical way about global warming:rolleyes:
Well- be that as it may Cathy- your opinion matters. And when it comes right down to it, you're likely as credible of an authority as anyone is. Seems even the powers that be rely on a lot of guess work, and all of it is disputable on some level. So don't discount your individual views!
If you listen to all the "authorities" (if you want to call them that) you will go nuts.
I totally agree and drink to that one. I'm a nerdy type and I prefer to seek out my own facts and answers and bypass all the political, religious, cults, and other posturing. "Science" is supposed to be the same way, but since many get funding from those posturing people, well you know, so you have to work around and through that stuff to get to the real answers.

Knowledge is something that is there for anyone to seek out if you want it, but not everyone wants it and are content to live without it.
I totally agree and drink to that one. I'm a nerdy type and I prefer to seek out my own facts and answers and bypass all the political, religious, cults, and other posturing. "Science" is supposed to be the same way, but since many get funding from those posturing people, well you know, so you have to work around and through that stuff to get to the real answers.

Knowledge is something that is there for anyone to seek out if you want it, but not everyone wants it and are content to live without it.

But to some degree, unless we're all out there taking soil samples, running rock particles thru an autoclave and sending our own daily potty samples through a defuser and peering at it thru a mircoscope, the "research" we do basically just amounts to reading others' ideas and findings online, doesn't it? I mean- how many of us "seek out our own facts" in any way other than searching online? Is any of it truly devoid of someone's motived bias? Who has the time to run to the poles, camp in the dessert, run from university to university to sit-in on seminars and studies, and to fill their own test-tubes and petri-dishes, to weigh the facts of whether global warming exists or not?
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Knowledge is something that is there for anyone to seek out if you want it, but not everyone wants it and are content to live without it.

Absolutely CanMan very well spoken!!!

As for me: Some things I am content not knowing all the unanswered questions to, and others I simlpy can not rest until I do know the answer. It depends on the topic at hand and where it stands on "my" list of important topics! To be perfectly honest many things the politicians and news casters are rambling on and on about, I couldn't give a darn about. I believe they try and instill fear, and guilt, and lack of hope into their viewing audiences.
Exactly, Cathy- and every now and then I find myself cussing at Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper and asking, "WHY do you want me to care about THIS? Stop ranting about it, already! Can't you see I'm not buying it?" I think I first felt this way about the Monica Lewinsky crap. I absolutely resented the news outlets forcing me to think I should give a damn about that whole whacked-out mess. I wasn't telling Wolf and Anderson what I was doing in MY bedroom (or MY oval office!) and I resented them repeatedly telling me what Bill was doing in HIS! I hated that whole thing being shoved down my throat, so to speak! (Lordy THAT was BAD! Will this line even make it past the CENSORS? mama?)
If you really want to understand how little news coverage counts, nowadays, here a little experiment.

Keep your newspapers for six months. Or, for those who think what CNN does is news, tape the shows, and store them for six months. Either way, review them.

It's incredible how many burning issues, concerns that will effect the future of the world, cease to have any meaning in only half a year.

Chubby: In all due respect, the only thing Anderson Cooper want's you to care about is Anderson Cooper. Even within the oxymoronic context of broadcast journalism, he's the sorriest excuse for a reporter I've ever seen.
KYH- I rarely hear a word Anderson says! (uh-Huuum! Ha!)

I watch both CNN and FOX and STILL feel like I have to wring and twist the reports of both and supplement them with a heaping dose of my own common sense before I believe much of what either has to say- but the sad part is, I feel I must take the time to watch BOTH to get a more accurate view.

I am made up of a healthy amount of both liberal and conservative leanings and in my middle-of-the-road view, FOX is the absolute MOST biased of anything anywhere. What gets ME is they're not even subtle about it- but then when they're confronted in it, the bold-face LIE and say they're balanced... HOG-WASH! At least CNN is polite about it's liberalism. FOX News to me is an INSULT, but again, I feel I need a touch of them both added to my mix of news simply to get a clearer perspective of the "truth".

For my money, even though PBS itself has a very liberal reputation, the fairest news reporting I see on television is Jim Lehrer's news hour- and I also really like Gwen Ifill, too. I don't sense Jim feels he owes anything to anybody and I trust him more than any other.
I never said it was devoid of anyone's motivated bias. One's own actions and directions are motivated and biased in what you do and how you think also, which is obviously being demonstrated here with your comments. But mankind was given a brain with which to learn and make factual decisions based on that education and learning. And the vast majority of researchers and scientists are too preoccupied with studies to get caught up in the posturing of others and a little effort does spot them.

Thanks to technology and the Internet today, one does not have to "camp in the desert" and run from university to university for most things, though there are many who still prefer the do-it-yourself approach. Me, I don't have the years left in my life, so I my brain as much as possible, along with some statistical analysis to find the plausible factual answer out of all the crap out there and then move forward to learning more information. Sometimes I find information that turns out to be no longer factual and it is replaced or updated. The field of home preserving and canning is a good example of once factual information that became obsolete and required relearning.

You seem to express a method of it being too complex, so I'm not even going to try to do it. That's fine. But I seek more out out life and what "is" our life.

Little things in life that we learn can have profound influences on our life, like Adam and Eve in the Bible, who bore two children from whom we are all descended from. Right? The two children were Cain and Able, both males. Think about it. Something is missing that was removed by the RC Church eons ago because they didn't like the story.
Absolutely CanMan very well spoken!!!
As for me: Some things I am content not knowing all the unanswered questions to, and others I simlpy can not rest until I do know the answer.
Thank you and what you said is well stated and correct.

This kind of passion for knowledge and seeking the facts was seen in my Grandmother who was deeply involved in Genealogy and she spent most of her life physically searching records. Two years ago I suddenly got an interest to pick up the gauntlet and get much of my genealogy on the computer. I accomplished in 2 weeks on the internet what took my grandmother 40 years to accomplish, verifying all of her information. But perhaps there needs to be some pain and anguish involved to fully appreciate the knowledge and the learning process. I will save that thought for a future time.

Like God, I'm on an agenda and schedule, and time is running out.

I can appreciate much of what you offer.

To simplify my position- in fields where one is not themself an expert, and if one seeks the shortcut of gaining fast-track knowledge without taking the long road of doing the extensive work themselves, whether you're discussing creating the wheel, making a pie crust or creating the atom bomb- our only option is to weigh studies and opinions of others, who are hopefully wiser than we are- and make a choice about which expert's version to believe.

Sometimes this is a positive experience that truly makes us wiser. Sometimes we make a wrong turn, following others who themselves made wrong turns, and we end up in a dark narrow alley believing certain specifics that couldn't be further from the truth.

The quest for knowledge almost certainly results in knowledge- but not always the accurate knowledge. Since you touched on religion- for example, with your illustration of Cain & Able... there are those who believe teaching Creationism is the only truth there is- and others who believe it to be a lie. Likewise there are those who teach Evolution as the only truth there is truth- who teach Creationism is the lie. Then there are many middle-ground threories inbetween... All cannot be true, can they?

Choice. Considering the various experts. Weighing arguments of said experts. And again- choice. Many (most?) times it's a big gamble. We go to our graves never knowing for sure whether we chose the right expert to believe- never knowing if the knowledge we accepted as truth was the right choice or not... This doesn't mean we stop asking the questions. It just means we stay careful and to a degree, keep our minds open.
This kind of passion for knowledge and seeking the facts was seen in my Grandmother who was deeply involved in Genealogy and she spent most of her life physically searching records.

But perhaps there needs to be some pain and anguish involved to fully appreciate the knowledge and the learning process. I will save that thought for a future time.

CanMan that is very interesting. And perhaps you are right about the pain and anguish involved in the learning process itself. I for instance learned to watercolor paint by myself, it was fun and frustrating and totally enjoyable all at the same time. I tend [personally] to hate the painful and or frustrating parts associated with learning anything new, but as a mature and hopefully knowledgeable adult I realize that it's all a part of the process of learning anything new and so I choose to hang-in-there until I get it right, or at least to the stage where I feel I have accomplished my goal. Some of us "artsy" type folks tend to be very displeased with our own short-comings or imperfections so learning for us is a two-edged sword, and just a big ole' pain in the patootie sometimes! I try and remind myself of that fact and choose to be very selective in what I want to learn that is new and unfamiliar to me:) this prevents me going wacko and being a real pain to live with:eek: I get all excited about new things I have learned and drive those around me crazy with all my "new learned stuff" I totally love to share:eek: and others really could care less sometimes! But anyway I like that you pointed out that sometimes the learning process is painful and can make one feel anguish.