Cool well I just hope Hero Jr. is behaving!!!
I got home yesterday to discover my pet had been left outside on his own, by accident, but very dangerous for him as he is not at all smart about streets and cars, and eating scraps the neighbors put out for cats, and he did not even have his collar and dog tags on... my youngin' and I had words about that I tell you!
That is probably the only reason I can see that a pet robot would be cool, you would never have to worry about it getting sick or hit by a car and dying!!! No shots, or medicine or vet bills for that matter!!! My youngin once had a pet Robot cat given to scarred the holy livin' day lights right out of her, it was kind of neat and yet spooky at the same time, she grew to like it somewhat! Then we saw a real big robot at the hospital when a new baby grand was born, and she about freaked out with fear that robot was "Rosie" she was very friendly and spoke and said hello and went on about her way, but you'd of thought she was going to zap us with a ray gun the way my youngin' reacted, it was actually kind of sad to see a child that filled with fear. And no matter how I tried to explain it to her she was "having none of it" she just flat out hated poor ole' Rosie, and is not too fond of robots of any type even now at 8 yrs old.