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Thumb my nose to the food police!


Mama's philosophy: Eat anything you want - as long as it is in moderation and you can't go wrong! You can live a long and healthy life that way!

Can Man is waiting for Big Macs to be at the top of the food chain - sorry to tell you this Can Man - but the Ratburger (Quarter Pounder with Cheese) will always be #1!

Big Macs can be #2.

McDonald's Big Mac

1 regular sized sesame seed bun
1 regular sized plain bun
2 beef patties (2 ounces each flattened to bun size)
2 tablespoons Big Mac sauce (recipe follows)
2 teaspoons reconstituted onions
1 slice real American cheese
2 hamburger pickle slices
1/4 cup shredded lettuce

Discard the crown half of the regular bun, retaining the
heel. Toast both sides of the heel and the "inner" sides of
the sesame bun.

Cook the two"all-beef"patties just like regular burgers.

After the bun parts are toasted, put 1 tablespoon of sauce on
each of the heels (toasted side). Then add 1/8 cup shredded
lettuce to each. On the true bottom bun, place one thin slice
of American cheese on top of the lettuce. On the extra "heel",
the middle bun, place two pickle slices on top of the lettuce.

When the meat patties are done, place them one at a time on
both prepared buns. Stack the middle bun on top of the bottom
bun, and put the crown on top.


1/4 cup Miracle Whip
1/4 cup mayonnaise
2 tablespoons french salad dressing
1/2 tablespoon sweet relish
2 teaspooons dill pickle relish
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon dried, minced onion
1 teaspoon white vinegar
1 teaspoon ketchup
1/8 teaspoon salt

Mix together and allow to flavors to blend for about
an hour before using.

I'll have to challenge the Ratburger (good name. First I've heard that) status because you would have to get McD to change their ratings first. The BigMac is #1 on their list already and just waiting for it to be "official." :D
Can Man - You've never heard about the ratburgers from there, fried in that sludge they get from the drums of used oil at the oil change places (fresh from the cars - no filtering needed!)????


The BigMac may be #1 because they sell them for 59 cents or on Thursdays you can get 10 of them for a buck ot something like that. I'm not into the all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun!

I'd rather have a ratburger!

Sorry- you're BOTH oh-so-wrong!

I'm a McDonald's DOUBLE QUARTER-POUNDER man! Remove the big, filling top-bun designed only to get in the way, and woof it down! Nothing gets my blood pumpin' better than a half-pound of ground cow and their cheese, pickles, diced onions, and a smiddgen of k/m. MMMMMM!

If I ever end up on death row (relax, I ain't necessarily got any plans in the works- yet! Hee-Hee!) I want TWO of them washed down w/ a large diet coke to be my last meal!
Great idea for diets fellas!

A bag of chips and diet coke - or a couple double (why not go triple??) ratburgers and a diet coke -

wow - we can all watch our waistlines that way

(grow that is!)

Reminds me of the old joke about somebody ordering a doulbe banana split but telling them to hold the cherry "because I'm on a diet."
Well, hell Brook- those danged candied cherries can be awfully fattening! Why ruin something otherwise so healthy, as a banana split?
Problem is, Cathy, you're a 'tweener.

Too young to remember burlesque, but too old to......whoops! I'm certainly not going there.

But here's another one you're too young for:

Have you taken a bath, lately?
Why, is one missing?
Problem is, Cathy, you're a 'tweener.
Have you taken a bath, lately?
Why, is one missing?

I had to edit this because I had a "blonde moment" and your joke went right over my head about a bath..LOL I wanted to know why you would be asking if I'd taken a bath lately!!!

By the way that is a really terrible joke man, I know now why I wasn't born in those days, I would've been bored terrible, just terrible!!! Gosh.................. :)
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Reminds me of the old joke about somebody ordering a doulbe banana split but telling them to hold the cherry "because I'm on a diet."
Last time I remember that was in a soda fountain where they still served them and I always wanted double cherries. Geez! I'm older than .......! :(
The soda fountains were great!

Loved them!

Oh - all the wonderful things you young-uns are missing in life.

Keep your blackberries, blue tooth, cell phones, microwaves - I'd love to go back to those days!
Speaking of which, mama... Saw an interesting article on high-powered celebs who ashew modern-day technology and opt-out of contemporary gadgets, unlike MOST of civilization these days. The list of well-known folks who don't "do" computers, blackberries, cell phones, ipods, etc. was actually staggering!

I will admit that about ten years ago as a chef at resorts I honestly believed I might be able to live out my whole entire life with ZERO computer knowledge. Afterall, the most hi-tech gizmo I had played with to date had been a cuisinart & a behr mixer! Then one day I found myself employed by an outfit where everything was done on a computer from staff-scheduling and payroll, to menu-writing, food ordering and inter-company e-mailing. I learned QUICK but let me tell you, as a 30 year old who didn't even type it was the most long & difficult professional transition of my career!

To date, believe it or not I STILL have NEVER owned a cell phone, ipod or blackberry. I've never sent or received a text message... Because my hearing is slightly deficient sometimes, headphones for any gadget are a complete bothersome nuisance... I'm still largely illiterate technology-wise, though I cannot today imagine life without my Dell desktop & laptop!
I have a cell - for emergencies only. Call me at home - don't run up my minutes with needless crap. I've even shut off the messaging on my cell. Don't need it. I don't believe in text messaging - can't be bothered. Don't believe in answering machines - had one and got rid of it. If I'm home I answer, if I don't answer I'm not home.

I don't like automated messages - I feel it's pathetic customer service - I don't care what the excuse is for having it.

I don't like to push button #1, #2, #3, etc. for what I need. Here - push THIS!

Keep your ipods, blackberries, blue tooth or whatever else you want to call all this crap. And I don't believe in watching TV on your cell. Stupid. If I want to watch a movie - I want to watch a movie in comfort - not holding a dang cell.

You can even watch movies on your computer - - - cripe - nothing like turning a person into a computer droid ---- why not sleep with the dang thing too while you're at it! Maybe someday someone will invent one that will cook and serve your meals through the screen so you can "bond" more with an electronic toy and you would never have to bother with the real world again!

Our minds are so preoccupied with all this crap that we've lost touch with the world. Have you noticed - common sense is slowly disappearing in the world today????

We no longer have to think - all these toys do it for us. Too bad they can't p.i.s.s. for us too - maybe that day is coming as well.

I don't believe in living for your on-line friends and acquaintances (no offense to anyone here) when you are now ignoring your family and friends that are/were in your life. Don't get me wrong - I have many on-line friends - they are great people - but always remember that family and friends come first.

If you come to visit - don't plan on taking calls on your cell or texting. Either visit me or stay home and play with your toys. If someone needs to get hold of you - they can call on my land phone - you can use it - no problem - no questions asked.

When eating dinner - eat dinner - pee on the phone calls - they can wait. Families need to be families and spend time together. There is a time for family and there is a time with friends. There is nothing more important than spending time with family.

Remember - God did not put us here to spend all our time texting or on line!

Remember to keep your life - don't give it up!
I agree with your idea about not allowing one's supper to be interrupted by phone calls, mama. When the phone would ring during meal-time, my Dad used to say: "I pay the bill for that phone, and it's their for MY convenience- not the caller's!"

Cell phones? Phooey! I'm almost always near a land-line... 'cept when I'm driving or on the crapper. And in both cases I ain't gonna be bothered, no matter how urgent the caller thinks his call is!
I have a cell for emergencies. I dont even give anyone the number. It is in case I have car trouble and need to call for help. Jon and I make some extra $$$ fixing computers so they come in handy that way. We have so many friends who live for online games. One in particular neglects spending anytime with their daughter for playing games in an online community. Another friend often falls asleep in front of his computer playing online.

That one really made me angry once and I told him so. He lives with his parents and we had went to their house to fix his Dads computer. This friend..its a guy Jon has known since highschool was in his bedroom. WELL we didnt want to be rude and leave without telling him bye when we were done so we knocked on his door. You know he never did answer the door. He muttered a bye and that was about it. I emailed him when I got home and asked why he didnt open the door and he said he was playing online and couldnt quit in the middle of a game. I go dude you shouldnt put the make believe computer world ahead of real live friends and I was told he was playing with his "online" friends. Then I read the email to Jon.. They never spoke for about 2 months because of that and they had never had words over anything before. I cant stand online games myself. My attention span doesnt last that long. Jon got me a playstation 2 years ago and I have played it about 6 times total.

My little sister is like that..she own and maintains a website and treats the site like its one of her kids. She spends alot of time moderating it and talking to her members. She and I actually had words not long ago over it. I was posting there but they all have kids. I dont..unles you count my husband lol. I posted that I wasnt gonna post anymore cause I didnt think I belonged there. She totally took it wrong and the two of us had a bad go about it. I still dont think she understood what I meant. I was posting recipes in the cooking thread and they are all posting about their kids. I went looking for and found this site right after that. You guys are a def upgrade :D We both agreed to pretend that never happened but I was suprised at the way she dealt with it because I didnt mean anything bad about it at all. I needed to find a foodie website and did. The online world def means alot to some people.
I've known extreme folks like that too, janie and frankly, I find them really freaky.

Games? Never once in my life. I never even had or enjoyed "Atari" back in the day, and I can't stand playing with or doing anything "gadget-related" like Play-Station, Gameboys, etc. Just ain't my thang on any level. I love the computer for reading news, logging-on to two food forums I take part in (for maybe 15 minutes a day) and e-mailing a few folks- other than that, I write and word-process a lot. But this "my life and my family are those who are online" idea to me is too weird to me.