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Careless Neighbors


New member
I went down stairs to pay the rent a couple of days ago and the secretary was telling me that they had a fire in one of the two apartments on the end here. There are 6 apartments total. Two on each end of the building and one on the middle on the front and one on the back.
She didnt specify which one she just said one of the two men on the end had gone out and left a candle burning in their bathroom. It caught the wall on fire and someone who was coming into the office downstairs told them that they heard one of the fire alarms going off upstairs. Landlord could tell which one it was coming from when he got up here and found the candle fire. I would really expect those two men to have been more careful. One of them is a contractor and one is a cop here in town. I wouldnt have thought either was the scented candle type.
We were gone to my mother in laws that night to take her a BD card.
You just wait til I run into either of those two on the stairs. Im going to ask them which one did it. Was it the buff young cop or the big husky contractor lol.
Its bad enough worrying about the two chain smokers who live in the back apartment catching theirs on fire.
I havent run into either of them yet.
The cop is georgeous, single and has a flare for decorating. I have never seen a woman at his apartment and he has lived up here about 4 months or so. Maybe I can get Kevin his email lol.

I know how it feels to have inconsiderate neighbors ~ my neighbor across the street blares SO EXTREMELY VERY VERY LOUDLY his music, Mariachi which uses a lot of trumpets ~ sounds like a heard of elephants trumpeting ~ we have called the police many times they come out and have him turn it down~ every weekend~ then we started to go out more to avoid the music ~ WE FELT LIKE VIRTUAL PRISONERS IN OUR HOME ~ and then... his son starting driving so now we hear extreme loud very loud base that shakes our windows ~ A community action officer came over and talked to him (he has had many talk to's by officers) but for some reason my neighbor is minding this community officer and for the past 3 months it has been quiet ~ it wouldn't be so bad if he'd turn it down but he just blasts it AND he has to drink beer with his friends in the front yard never his back yard. For 5 1/2 yrs we're going nuts AND too with my son's injuries (his pelvis is all metal and other bones have plates) the loud music vibrates on him and with his nerve damage he was ready to go crazy in fact, sadly he had to move to get away from the music ~ so far: knock on wood, it's been quiet ~ Now we know why the previous owners wanted to make a deal so fast ~

So I sympathize with you ~ what helped me was prayer and common sense to NOT confront him at all
you have my sympathies, Janie....so glad I don't have ANY neighbors now lol..closest ones are bout half a mile away !
I have had some neighbors from "you know where"...before though when I lived in an apartment in town. Fires scare me...I have been in one years ago when our house caught on fire...I was in the shower at 4 am getting ready to head to work...I got my son and husband up and we got out...I ran out ...ala nude ! lol..but got a blanket before the firemen arrived.The house didn't burn down but just heavy smoke damage.
That is so awfull for you guys! My husband is blind and living across from someone like that would drive him nuts. He does everything by sound.
I hope you son is doing ok now. Some people are so rude.


I know how it feels to have inconsiderate neighbors ~ my neighbor across the street blares SO EXTREMELY VERY VERY LOUDLY his music, Mariachi which uses a lot of trumpets ~ sounds like a heard of elephants trumpeting ~ we have called the police many times they come out and have him turn it down~ every weekend~ then we started to go out more to avoid the music ~ WE FELT LIKE VIRTUAL PRISONERS IN OUR HOME ~ and then... his son starting driving so now we hear extreme loud very loud base that shakes our windows ~ A community action officer came over and talked to him (he has had many talk to's by officers) but for some reason my neighbor is minding this community officer and for the past 3 months it has been quiet ~ it wouldn't be so bad if he'd turn it down but he just blasts it AND he has to drink beer with his friends in the front yard never his back yard. For 5 1/2 yrs we're going nuts AND too with my son's injuries (his pelvis is all metal and other bones have plates) the loud music vibrates on him and with his nerve damage he was ready to go crazy in fact, sadly he had to move to get away from the music ~ so far: knock on wood, it's been quiet ~ Now we know why the previous owners wanted to make a deal so fast ~

So I sympathize with you ~ what helped me was prayer and common sense to NOT confront him at all
you have my sympathies, Janie....so glad I don't have ANY neighbors now lol..closest ones are bout half a mile away !
I have had some neighbors from "you know where"...before though when I lived in an apartment in town. Fires scare me...I have been in one years ago when our house caught on fire...I was in the shower at 4 am getting ready to head to work...I got my son and husband up and we got out...I ran out ...ala nude ! lol..but got a blanket before the firemen arrived.The house didn't burn down but just heavy smoke damage.

Our bathroom caught on fire one morning at 5am. I heard the light fixture fall from the ceiling and assumed Jon had accidently locked the dog in the bathroom when he came to bed. The heater thing in the ceiling had shorted out and was burning. One fire here was enough to last me a lifetime. It totally stresses me out when Im gone and hear the fire trucks. My poor dog runs and jumps in the bathtub if he hears the fire alarm lol. We got the fire out with the extinguisher but a few more minutes and it would have been to big. Fire extinguisher made a bigger mess than the fire.
janie- you get this good lookin', strappin' cop into an interogation room. I'll bring my handcuffs and my pink feather- and I PROMISE I'll get him to talk! Hee-Hee! winks- k.
Hmm, it doesn't sound like a logical response to yell at your neighbors because they left a candle burning. It was an accident and I'm sure they weren't trying to be rude or cause any harm. In fact I think that yelling at them would be the rude thing in the end and I wouldn't blame them if they said "you ain't my mother lady." Yes they were being careless but what does careless have to do with poor manners? It may be nicer to just bake some cookies for your landlord instead and thank him for making sure there are fresh batteries in the smoke detectors which prevents these careless accidents into becoming pitiful tragedies.

I never said I was going to yell at them and I havent run into either of them yet. You made an assumption there. It may have been an accident on their part but it was a very careless accident. I do not step out for anything if a candle is burning in my apartment. If I burn one I make sure there is nothing near them and that my husband who is blind knows exactly where they are. Before I leave my apartment I double check that the stove and oven are off and even unplug a fan that I have in the bedroom. I do not go out and leave my washer or dryer running either. We always turn off both of our computers.
I do these things because I have consideration for my dog who is always here and my belongings. I also do not want to cost any of the other residents their pets or belongings because of my carelessness.
BOTH of the landlords here were very upset about the fire but then maybe they are just rude like me :rolleyes:

Oh and just so you know the same landlord who put out the fire gets plenty of baked goods from me. Just since this past summer I have given him loaves of fresh baked bread with jars of homemade jams and jellies. I have baked him apple pies and him and the ladies in his office love my peanut butter fudge. I have taken him AND the two guys on the end homemade ice cream.
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yes picture that, and mrsjimmyp in her blankie, you running around with baked goodies. and I thought I had lived in some strange places? Oh, and Kevin has a cheese ball waiting. somebody stop me! where is Cathy?
lol Nan.
I miss Cathy. She is visiting family for a few days. She told me she was going to be gone for 4 days.
I lived in an apt house with 10 apts. The house was about 200 years old and a virtual tinder box. Almost everyone smoked, and the wiring looked like it was from the 1780's.

Yes, that kept me up at night.

What can you do? Other than poke fun at them in a light hearted way so maybe to perhaps keep it in the back of their mind the next time they light a candle?

Candles always make me nervous.
Personal perception is sometimes quite odd.

It's really strange... I find a careless candle-burner far more dangerous in a neighborhood/apartment-complex setting than a responsible gun-owner!
I agree Kev...I'm paranoid with candles...lol..I make sure they are out if I burn one.Also electrical appliances such as Iron ,curling iron...etc
When we lived in apartments parking was mostly the issue. The people on either side of us were living 6 adults to an apartment and each one of them had a car. The apartment complex said that they would not allow that many people to live in one apartment but they didn't enforce it. So they would park in our marked parking spaces. It was even worse when they had all their friends over. They would be blaring mariachi music and every parking lot in the complex would be taken. I did a lot of towing.
When I lived in apartments its funny how the management never seemed to enforce the rules/policies on residents who were so obviously bending/breaking them (loud parties, too many people very unkempt patio's dogs over 20lbs etc., but let me park to close to the line of another resident and it was a joke on how fast I'd get a warning??? Once, I got a call to curb my dog outside my patio and I told them I always curbed my Emmitt~ he was a buff cocker spaniel and weighted maybe 30lbs and was thin, but I had seen the mess they were talking about and NO KIDDING it looked like a horse or a great dane left that mountain~ and I also told them that if my Emmitt had done that he would be dead because the high piled mess most likely weighed more than him ~ they asked if I would pick it up any way ~ I told them No. Two days later I saw the young boy who had the great dane and told him he needed to pick it up, he didn't. I got a $50.00 fine 3 days later ~ I was shocked ~ I told them who's dog it was, their apartment and for added measure told them it weighed over the limit ~ A week later I got a reminder to pay that $50.00 ~ turned out the dog belonged to a best friend of the manager. I never payed it and soon after moved (after living there for 8yrs and always paid on time)

I enjoyed somewhat apartment living but there were times when a neighbor upstairs walking around sounded like the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade or the neighbor downstairs who lived to play his bass as loud as he could and all night.

Now that we own our new house, we were excited~ no more shared walls, fighting for parking spaces, and peace and quiet ... until 2 weeks after we moved in our neighbor across the street for 5 1/2 yrs plays his Mariachi music to new heights of loud sound ~ I guess he wants us to hear every little nuance of his music, who knows.

I have a fear of candles too, and I make it a point too to check that all my appliances are unplugged.
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As long as he doesnt burn the place down the cop has been a plus. He is a deterrent plus his co workers patrol out this way more now. This little town is not the same place it was when we were kids. Through the day everyone behaves but at night they get up to no good. I never realized drugs were as bad as they are here til recently. We have a new chief of police who is doing a good job but he has his work cut out for him. My husband has a buddy who is blind and he goes to the gym everyday. The gym he uses is on the street behind us. The guy who owns the gym was telling him that the apartments across the street are home to several "working girls". I was stunned. I had no idea it was that bad.
Whacko story, janie!

I too lived in a complex once (near an interstate) w/ just such a "'working girl". She lived directly above me and there were knocks at her door and people up and down the stairs sometimes 3-4 times a night- during the wee hours. I later learned that she had a profile at an adult site and that she "specialized" in entertaining truckers from the half a dozen truck stops just off the interstate within about 1/2 a mile of us. The hell of it was, her front door and my front door were right next to one another and by looking at them one could not tell which door was for the first floor apt. and which was for the upper. Often I mistakenly got knocks at MY door! Imagine their surprize when they were off for a randy session with cutesy l'il 22 yr. old Monica, and instead 350 lb. 35 yr. old KEVIN answered the door! Ha!
OMG I bet their faces were priceless when you came to the door lol.
We have a ham plant here in town (Smithfield) and about three years ago they brought in workers from outside the country. They let their kids run wild in the grocery stores and are loud and rude where ever they go. The working girls are several of the women they brought in to work at the plant.

You know I am really really really wanting to try your peanut butter fudge ~ I know this is about careless neighbors but since you mentioned peanut butter fudge, well..... I just HAVE to make some ~ Would it be too much to ask if you would want to post that recipe? I'll post something in return ~ I have a few recipes to share or swap. hahaha