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Ever burned yourself on the stove?

I burn myself in the oven every time I cook, literally. I dont know how or why and it is always in the back of my mind. My knuckes always get it on either one of the racks or top of the inside of the oven. :mad:
I never burn myself on the stove. I treat it's heat with respect and care. Most times that means not too much, but reflecting that a hot pan is HOT! I always use the handles on the pans to lift them, and let them cool before trying to touch them. When I cook using hot oil, I watch the pan close and use a thermometer to make sure I don't overheat the oil and cause a fire.
I am usually pretty good. Back in JAN I did burn myself just slightly on my wrist and I still have a scar!
well, couple years ago, i was using the toasted sandwich irons and i nicked it when it was hot with my arm. Now the scar is hardly visible
I've burned myself with hot pans, even the handled ones. I grabbed the handle thinking it would be safe, but it was hot. It wasn't too serious of a burn though. I used to regularly burn myself whenever I cooked, before I was 12 or so. Now about the only time I get burnt is if the baby decides to come in the kitchen when I have the oven door open and its either burn my arm trying to elbow her out of the way or let her burn herself... Hmmm, big choice, huh?
Nearly every time I cook. What can I say? I always think, "oh, it can't be THAT hot"....I'm usually wrong.
I just burned myself today and it made doing dishes very painful. I have a great husband though that is so thoughtful to offer to do the dishes for me. He also does more than his share of the cooking and kindly refers to me as his souse chef and chief pastry officer.
If you want to avoid burning your self in the oven try using those oven mitts that cover your hands completely. That way if you do bump into the top of the oven or the other oven racks it will be against the oven mitt and not your hands. Unfortunately I do not follow my own advice when it comes to putting wood on our wood stove. I just pick up a piece of wood to toss it on and then end up hitting the top of my hand on the inside edge of the stove.
I haven't burnt myself. However, when my husband was a short order cook along time ago he would come home every night with a new one. He was always burning himself. Good thing he only did that part-time and for a few months during Christmas. I can't imagine what his arms would look like now.
Im very careful now, after burning myself really bad on my right hand.
I did, and the funny thing was I was not even the one cooking. It was really my mom cooking. I am just trying to sneak some of the freshly cooked fried chicken that is beside the stove when I failed to look at it and I am actually burned of the oil from the cooking.
I have gotten burned alot when cooking, mostly from anything involving the oven! I am careful but find that the oven is my worst enemy:( Many times I have been burnt only to not even know when or how it happened!
Yeah I have burned myself on the stove/oven many times.
I have a mark on my arm now where I burned myself on the small convection oven I use sometimes. It takes ages for them to fade.
I found this whole question fairly silly--you cook, you are around heat, you freakin' burn yourself??

well, click on the original posters user name, 30 some very bizarre posts three years ago!! he wasn't even cooking! this is followed by many bizarre replies? why did anyone respond???

waste of time and brain cells,
You sure got a point there Nan! I think it is funny though when you get burned and you're so busy you never know it until perhaps days later and you notice the burn and you can't even recall when you did it!:D That happens to me more often than not!
Funny- after years of cooking at home and at work, I don't think I have a single square-inch of unburned skin left anywhere- unless it's on the soles of my feet, or behind my ears- Ha! :)
Worst burns I've had have been those from oven to tableware pans which I use in both places, but I forget the oven used ones have HOT handles!! .... even after 15 minutes on the table