Now as for the other conversation here about idiots at the grocery store & parking lot...
I am one who rarely grabs the front parking spots unless there are quite a few of them open. I am a not an old person, nor am I handicapped in any way. If there is another spot, I will take it so as to let an elderly person or a mother with 5 kids grab it who really could use the break in distance.
I for one have never waited for someone to leave their space in a parking log unless I have to load something into my car/truck that is huge from the store. I can't stand people who wait 5 minutes for a spot.
I hate it when you go to get your cart and you see some young idiot grab a cart in front of a lady and walk into the store. Myself, I grab the cart and push it to the lady so she does not have to wait. What did that cost me, an extra five seconds to be polite and in the smallest of ways, make the world a nicer place?
My biggest pet peeve at the grocery store must be this though. Waiting in line behind someone who is cashing out their items, watching them pile up because there is nobody bagging them. Then when all the items are scanned she (it has ALWAYS been a she in my experience) stands there watching the checkout person bag everything and doesn't lift a finger. After everything if finally bagged an put into her cart, then she remembers she has to search and find her checkbook, spend 10 minutes writing out a check, balancing her account, and haggling over the price before she finally presents the check. Then she stands there and goes over each item on the receipt and will not friggin MOVE!
First of all, if your too good to bag your own groceries, then your too good to be grocery shopping yourself. I always feel like saying "Excuse me your highness, but the rest of us serfs are running out of time in this life, you think you could bag YOUR groceries?"
Second, you mean you can't get your checkbook out, get it filled out except for the price and signature so when it comes time to pay, all you have to do is fill out the last two things?
Third, can't you get out of my way while you review your receipt? I mean, just push your cart down the aisle and then check it. If something is off, call the manager. The checkout person will have to do that anyway.
Grr, makes me mad thinking about it..