
Jamie Oliver is a celebrated British chef that recently been added to the BBC America lineup. He operates a large number of restaurants in the UK and has a passion for food. In the "Jamie Oliver's 30 Minute Meals" now showing on BBC America, Jamie makes delicious meals with a dessert from scratch that are exciting and healthy in less than 30 minutes. Wow! I find his show absolutely fascinating. No fluff. Just cooking.
The recipes are really exciting, include fresh herbs.
Jamie has an event for this Saturday, May 19, 2012, Food Revolution Day, with a goal of having folks worldwide, share fresh, healthy, home cooked meals. Check out the announcement here: Food Revolution Day. This sounds exciting. Currently there are about 800 events worldwide, maybe one near you -- or perhaps you'd be bold enough to present your own event.

Jamie Oliver is a celebrated British chef that recently been added to the BBC America lineup. He operates a large number of restaurants in the UK and has a passion for food. In the "Jamie Oliver's 30 Minute Meals" now showing on BBC America, Jamie makes delicious meals with a dessert from scratch that are exciting and healthy in less than 30 minutes. Wow! I find his show absolutely fascinating. No fluff. Just cooking.
The recipes are really exciting, include fresh herbs.
Jamie has an event for this Saturday, May 19, 2012, Food Revolution Day, with a goal of having folks worldwide, share fresh, healthy, home cooked meals. Check out the announcement here: Food Revolution Day. This sounds exciting. Currently there are about 800 events worldwide, maybe one near you -- or perhaps you'd be bold enough to present your own event.