Cook Chatty Cathy
New member
Whoa.... Calm down everyone, I for one can attest to the fact that they still teach math, English, spelling etc. and it is harder than ever. My 3rd grader brings home her work every night! She goes to a totally integrated school with students of all ethnic backgrounds and I see her work daily, and a whole packet of work weekly! I went to racially and ethnically mixed schools, Spanish was taught as an elective which I gladly studied 9th thru 12 grade and it did not hurt me one bit! I wish I remembered more and spoke it better to this day, esp. now that I am married to a Puerto Rican and in an environment at work where if I were bi-lingual I could better communicate with my customers. And they always appreciate my efforts to communicate no matter how botched my spanish. Being bi-lingual is a gift and also you get paid a little more if you have multiple languages. That other crap the schools teach that IC mentioned would not be tolerated if parents would get involved and fight the "system" but unfortunately that would go against the grain, and would be politically just remember to re-teach your children at home. And Janie any time your neice complains about being taught Spanish just remind her that different languages are fun and so interesting! Many of the words in our language came from a mix of all languages, greek, latin, etc....