Sure, I'll play with you guys. I won't get my feeling hurt if someone knocks on Alton. I'll just fire back. I love spirited debating!
I totally understand not everyone likes him like I do. I can handle that. BTW, I love Julia too. She and Jeff Smith were the first two tv cooking shows I can remember watching on PSB as a kid. A very weird kid... what kid is watching cooking shows on Sat. morning
Ok, y’all convinced me to talk about meeting Alton
I’ve been a fan for many, many years but I had never met Alton. I love both Good Eats and Feasting on Asphalt and the only reason I watch Iron Chef America is for Alton. Last year, I decided to attend the Opryland Hotel’s Celebrity Chef Series. He did a cooking demo about candy. He made marshmallows, which turned out to be a future topic on Good Eats! So I saw him make them before the show aired! During the demo he encouraged people to ask questions, so I did.
After the demo there was a meet and greet session. When I came up to him, he shook my hand and said “Hi, I’m Alton.” Then he looked at me and said I remember you from earlier, you sat right there. He pointed. Yes, I was in the front row!

I was totally in awe and couldn’t speak. Just dopily grinning. He started to sign my item and asked me my name.
I drew a blank.
He looked at me and said, “Your name tag says Lisa. I hope that’s you name or else you’ll need therapy.” I started laughing. Then the flood gates opened. I told him my coworkers probably think I do need therapy. He asked why. I started telling him that when my coworkers talk about cooking (some of which aren't very good cooks) I try to ofter help but they roll their eyes at me. They don’t think I know what I’m talking about.
So Alton looks at me and says, “I’m going to give you a message to take back for them.” He starts writing something on a picture. He hands it to me and I read it. It says, “Hey, Losers leave Lisa alone she’s cool” and he signed it. I was so happy when I read it. I asked him if I could give him a hug. He let me

Then we started talking about things other than cooking. He was so nice to me and gracious. He took the time to actually talk with me and made feel we had made a personal connection.
The next time I met him was back in March when he was doing a book signing for his Feasting on Asphalt book. I told myself that I wouldn’t draw a blank when I met him this time.
So when he came up to me and shook my hand and introduced himself, I said, “The last time I met you, you made me forget my name.” He said, “I’m sorry.” Then he looked at me kinda puzzled and asked, “So, we’ve met before?” I told him last August in Nashville. He said I’m sorry again. Then I laughed and told him some dumb thing about it being all right and no big deal. Later on when I got my book signed, we traded a few witty zingers. I brought a film canister for him to sign. I asked if he would sign it from one film geek to another. He smiled at me, took the canister and played with it. He had fun with it then signed it to me with “Film rules” on it.
Both times I've met Alton, he was so nice and charming. He makes you feel like he's glad you came to see him. A lot of famous people aren't like that. He's a genuinely nice guy. He has a quick wit and is so funny. Meeting him has only made me an even bigger fan than before. So, if someone makes a unkind comment about him I naturally want to chime in with my counter.