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Hey there SC!

I am surprised at my tardiness in requesting friendship status with you! I think we already are so what the heck now we will make it official!

Hope you're doing great! Cathy
Thank you Francie! It was stricly a test run for a better painting to come!

I am totally self-taught in watercolor! I have loved the medium since my treen yrs. I only got serious in 1997 and began in-depth study into techniques and styles of watercolour painting!

I only wish I had time to persue it full-time!

I love ya Francie! Cathy
Hi Francie,

You silly wabbit! I know you do some fine cookin' and flops are not your major! Hee-hee! By the way this is a recent painting I did! See how I love color!

Love ya, Cathy
RE: Hi Kevin,

I wanna be your friend! I think we already are, but let's make it official!!! hee-hee

Love ya, Cathy"

Good idea, Cathy... Let's make our friendship formally "official"! Thank ya, dear! hugz- k.
Hi Luca,

I hope you are going to have a wonderful Birthday celebration coming up! And let me be the first to wish you a very Happy Birthday! My first born child was born on July 20th!

I hope someone will cook you a feast to celebrate!

Your forum friend, Cathy
Thank you Kathy
I hope to communicate more
Will communicate on an ongoing basis
Through the mail, and Messenger

Hi Mrean you are very pretty if this is your photograph! I hope you will continue to be a member here for a long time, I have been a member for about 2 yrs now!
Enjoy, Cathy
Hey IC,

I am so glad to have you as a fellow "Foodie Friend" here at SP it is so good to have a member like you that stays active and involved! Just wanted you to know how much I appreciate you! You are a swell GUY!
Cheers, CCCathy
I wanted to add a flavor of life. Garlic-1 clove can be substituted by 1/2 teaspoon bottled minced garlic; or 1/8 teaspoon garlic powder.

Visit my blog A Full Life
Dear Cook Chatty Cathy:
I am new to this site, and I appreciate your help. Thanks so much. Sally
Hey Jafo,

Been missing you around here! Please do not forget about us here at SP!
Hope all is well with you & yours.

CanMan your latest picture is s-o-o-o scarrey! LOL Where in the world did you inherit those big eyes from? Mom or Dad's side? Me oh my do you ever look like an alien? I thought you had a head full of lovely hair, where'd it all go????
Many happy years together my wish for you both !
CanMan I'd like to compliment you on your absolute intellegence and sound advice when it comes to food safety!

Sincerely, Cathy