Product Information

Compact Fluorescent Light 13 watt 8 pack

Replaces 60 Watt Incandescent Lamps

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Compact Fluorescent Light 13 watt 8 pack

Philips Marathon Compact Fluorescent Light 13 watt 8 pack

These 13 watt spiral compact fluorescent lights (CFL) replace standard incandescent 60 watt lights and use less than 1/4 of the energy. Besides saving energy, compact fluorescent lights last 13 times longer than standard lights so they only need changing once every 7 years or so. For business applications, the labor savings for relamping is an additional and considerable savings.

These CFL lights are an ideal energy saver for general household and business lighting needs. The light output is a soft white light similar to incandescent 60 watt lamps. This set of 8 CFLs can save $47.00 in energy costs over their lifetime at $0.10/KWH electricity rates.

CFL usage guidelines
These compact fluorescent lights fit into any lamp fixture that has a standard bulb base. Do not use CFL lights on dimmers, or photosensor switch controlled fixtures that are not CFL rated. Outdoor use requires a weather protected fixture. Using these compact fluorescent lights in recessed cans or enclosed fixtures may result in reduced lifetime of the CFL light.

These lights will last about 7 years under normal residential usage of 4 hours a day. The 13 watt CFL replaces 60 watt standard incandescent lights with a similar light color and quality. Electronic ballasts in these lights result in fast flicker-free starts.

Energy Star Approved
Energy Star LogoThese compact fluorescent lights are Energy Star rated. Besides saving electricity, these lights may help reduce the related emission of green house gases relating to the electricity generating facility supplying your energy need. Each CFL light can save more than 400 pounds of carbon dioxide over it's lifetime, so this package of 8 compact fluorescent lamps could reduce your greenhouse gas footprint by 2,400 pounds. The reduction of greenhouse gases relates to fossil fuel source used by electric power plants.

From the US Government Energy Star CFL Website:

If every household in the U.S. replaced one light bulb with an ENERGY STAR qualified compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL), it would prevent enough pollution to equal removing one million cars from the road. CFLs provide high-quality light, smart technology, and design, requiring less energy while lasting longer than typical incandescent bulbs.


UPC Code: 46677 15049
GTIN 12: 046677150495
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