Product Recipes

Recipe: Roast Duck with Orange Sauce

Recipes using McCormick Organic Thyme

Price Each: $7.99USD


Orange Sauce base:
Duck stock:
  1. Remove the orange part of the orange skin with a vegetable peeler, cut into strips. Simmer in a quart of water for 15 minutes. Remove and dry.
  2. Season the duck cavity with salt and pepper. add 1/3 of the orange strips to the cavity and truss the duck.
  3. Place the duck on a rack in a shallow roasting pan, strew one sliced carrot and one sliced onion over the duck.
  4. Pierce the duck skin in several places .with a knife.
  5. Preheat the oven to 425° F, roast the duck breast side up for 15 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 350° F.
  6. Turn duck on side and roast for 30 minutes. Turn duck on other side for 30 minutes more, then on back to finish (approximately 15 to 30 minutes more).
  7. While the duck is roasting make a strong duck stock by browning the giblets, 1 sliced onion and 1 sliced carrot in 1 1/2 tbsp canola oil.
  8. Add 2 cups of beef bouillon, parsley sprigs, 1/3 bay leaf and 1/8 tsp thyme.
  9. Simmer for 2 hours or more, skimming fat from pan.
  10. Boil 3 tbsp sugar with 1/4 cup of red wine vinegar until the mixture turns into a brown syrup.
  11. Add 1/2 cup of duck stock, simmer a few minutes. Then add the rest of the stock.
  12. Blend 2 tbsp arrowroot with 1/4 cup port and add to sauce base, heat until stock thickens.
  13. Add the remaining orange strips.
  14. Remove the duck from the roasting pan. Pour off fat. Add 1/2 cup of port to the pan and boil. Strain into the sauce.
  15. Stir the 3 tbsp of orange liqueur into the sauce, correct the sweetness with drops of lemon juice.
  16. Section the remaining 3 oranges and decorate the duck with the orange segments.

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