I don't exactly have a bad attitude - but I've seen too much that is not right. People who have worked all their lives are losing their homes and everything that they worked for. That is not laziness. At least not to me.
I do not like what this country has become. Too many corporate giants doing anything they want - no regulation on anything. I am against all the companies merging and merging and merging. I said it a long time ago - in "X" amount of years, if this kept up, the whole world would be owned by a dozen of so people. I am also against all these companies moving to China, India, Mexico, etc. It is taking jobs away from too many people.
Cripe - we don't even make clothes in our country anymore.
I'm all in favor of trade with other countries - but I am against all the imports that have taken jobs.
In the past 3 days we've lost a restaurant chain - another 400 or so out of work - and they are waiting to hear if they will get their last 2 weeks of pay that they worked for. Sure - servers don't make much - not even minimum - but they did work for their money and they are worried about losing what little they made.
We had 6 steel plants in the area - now we haven't even got one. There alone were thousands of jobs.
Supermarket chains have merged and merged - and their prices have been too high from all this for some time - because they own all the stores in the area they can do it.
Budget cuts have made our school systems - especially city schools - some of the poorest. Most can't afford books for the kids - and that is something I will never understand. The schools are now serving free breakfasts and lunches to the kids - many will only see food from school - there is none or very little home. Food banks are trying to supply foods to 3 to 4 times as many as they had before - their shelves are empty.
Prices are high and going higher on everything - seniors are choosing between meals and meds. 401K's have lost money. And you can't tell me our stock market is solid - because I don't believe it is.
So you see - it's not laziness - but when you have a government that is paying salaries to the Iraqi people to build up their country (mind you - a very rich country with their oil supplies) to the tune of $10 million or billion (whatever they said) and our own country is going down hill - something is wrong.
Am I against helping another country?? NO! Not at all. But there has to be another way. Do you see them giving us free oil for this??? Now wouldn't that be nice. But then again - due to the lack of government intervention and regulations - the oil companies would probably triple the price of gasoline anyway.
Is it laziness when you are pounding the pavement for 2 years and you cannot find a job? Not much money can be made and McDonald's or Burger King. Not enough to pay for a mortgage or two, car payments, credit cards, utilities, etc. or if you have a family to support.
Too many are unable to stand on their own two feet - they keep getting knocked down.
I would love for you to stand nose to nose with a friend of mine who has a child born with a disease that is considered pre-existing by the insurance companies and they won't pay a cent for any needed treatments - and tell the family they are too lazy to stand on their own two feet because they just can't do it. That family is suffering. But a child from another country born with the same disease can come here with their family and stay as long as they have to and receive free treatment and lodging - not even the trip here and back cost them a penny. What is the difference between the two families? Can you tell me that? Would you say that my friend is looking to be pampered by the government?
This has nothing to do with laziness, or 3rd, 4th and 5th generation welfare recipients (which I am dead set against) - it is what has happened in our country. It started in the mid-to-late 70s and has not gotten any better.
Life may still be better here for now - but for how long? Our country is not what it used to be. Our country does not care about the people - just pocketing tax money for themselves.
Insurance companies run everything - this way they don't have to pay out any money to those that have suffered losses during all these tornadoes, floods, etc. They donate so much money to the political parties (billions) so that they can run everything their way. It doesn't matter if it is health insurance, homeowners, etc. - they are all in it for the money - and they do not pay claims - they play in the gray areas. (don't get me started on insurance companies!)
It's a free country - say what you want - having a sour day doesn't make me a person with a bad attitude. I've worked my whole lifetime - 2 fulltime and a partimne job at once - going YEARS without a day off - including holidays. I'm not lazy - I'm not looking for a handout - never did.
You missed my point completely.