New member
oooo... don't mention SKUNKS! I had a skunk mishap last Fall that I believe I shared w/ you all. YUCH. Hee-Hee!
Sadly it is the same everywhere.
It is not the farmer who profits nor the haulier, but the greedy supermarkets.
The mark up on the good is probably in the range of 300% if not more. If fuel goes up by a few pence then the tin of beans goes up a few pence.
But it does not cost that much per item to ship it from a to b. Yes it may cost slightly more but working it out per item it should not cost even one penny more as the cost is spread out hundreds of units.
In this country, a good few years ago, during the 70's there were many shall we say artificially made shortages of food stuffs, coffee, sugar, also there was a potato shortage. Most Brits did not eat pasta then and rice was only for puddingsSubsequently the cost of potatoes went thought the roof. Being used to make do and mend the Brits sort other sources of carbs, using pasta and rice.
The consumption of potatoes never really recovered from then as many people preferred the alternatives. Since then we have not had these 'so called shortages' I think that the powers that be now realise that creating a shortage is cutting their noses off to spite their faces.
To increase their ever bulging pockets they have to create other ways of artificially putting the prices up and now they use fuel as the so called justified cost.
Because I live in a restriced environment I am not allowed to plant vegetables I do have a flower garden every year I have to pay whatever the prices are, that is the price you pay for living in the city
Nice to "see" ya, cookie!
Do you have an Aldi's near you? Here downstate in central IL., they're everywhere. And while fresh is best- Aldi's carries some awesome frozen stir-fry veggie blends in extra-large bags that are cheap-cheap-cheap! I like them because being single, the zip-lock re-sealable bags they come in make for convenient no-waste way of making sure I get my daily 5!
ScubaL could you possibly have a cherry tomato plant or two in your flower garden? Or in a container so you could grow it on your front porch or balcony?
I have tried to place my strawberry plants between my flower garden, but when the crew comes around every other day to do their landscaping they find it and take it, amazing!
We are allowed in summer to put our lawn/barbecue furniture out, but only on a daily basis, at the end of the day, it must be broken down and tucked away in the corner or garage. We are allowed to have a garden, a mini small garden, I of course go all out and I maintain an extremely large garden, including my steps surrounding my grill etc the problem occurs when the gardener comes around to clean , my garden is so full, and I have so many pots circulating my garden from rose trees to hibiscus trees, that they are unable to use their machines to cut the lawn, of course it is my fault, but I just love a large garden, my plants never argue or fuss with me they just blossom and look happy all I have to do is give them water and maintain them. To me that is priceless! One day I was at home with my blinds down, the maintenance crew came to cut the grass, and I overheard one of the crew saying to someone on the phone, you gotta come and see this, guess what I did, I ran outside and pulled all my plants out of his way and just smiled, now they just leave me alone if they cannot enter my garden they leave it alone, and of course I end up cutting my own grass, which is not very often.
We are also allowed to place holiday decorations on our lawn, if it is in their way they just don't cut that part of the lawn, which is a big thing for us owners, we pay so much money for maintenance and security etc., At the end of summer we receive a letter informing us to remove all gardening pots, lawn furniture etc off the lawn within a time-frame if it is not then you lose it, therefore it is in our best interest to follow their instructions explicitly.
I love where I live with all the restrictions it is still worth it!
I guess I'm lucky living in the mountains of Georgia. Where I live I could have cows, pigs and chickens and nobody would say anything. People don't mess with each other around here. But I have worked in some developments that were insane. Pre approved colors, and landscaping or there would be hell to pay. I understand the concept of HOAs but they are getting ridiculous.
New York!!! I have lived in places where they had a few minor restrictions like that, and I just get angry and do not handle it well. They told us when we bought our home that there was a Home Owners Assoc. and we couldn't have a fence, well I said "This is America and when I buy and pay for a house In a country where there IS Freedom and Liberty for all I will have any fence I want and and am buying and pay for!" Well we have a totally beautiful White Picket Fence around our front yard and I love it and nary a word was ever uttered from the INVISIBLE Home Owners Association!!! And 7 months have come & gone and still have Not Been kicked outGeez rules