I see you've opted to let the plebiscites in on the extend of the trash & garbage. certainly points out the magnitude of an absentee Forum-lord.
there's lot of other cooking related forums - some are better than others - keeping in mind that the definition of "better" is entirely subjective.
FaceBook? those social sites are a security sewer. I most strongly recommend _no one_ go there. LinkedIn is another non-sanitary sewer - since the IPO talk spam from LinkedIn has increased exponentially - I changed my email address there to a non-existent account, as "deleting" things is a useless exercise.
cheftalk.com - divided into "pro" and amateur divisions - a fair number of overbearing "professional" individuals that can easily get under one's skin with their outrageous and/or 'there is no other way but mine' opinions.
cooking.com - recently lept with full Admin intention on their sword supporting an exceptionally obnoxious member - other than moderators, pretty much everyone else left. used to be a good spot. might recover, not looking good tho.
netcookingtalk.com - pretty good board, currently in a bit of a lull.
discusscooking.com - this place has a reputation of exceedingly harsh and capricious moderators - otoh, it is well 'policed' - and if one keeps in mind that no differing personal experience or opinion to the select few uber-posters is tolerated, works. if you feel tempted to voice a different opinion than the golden few, stifle yourself or get your keyboard smacked by the staff.
there's many other places where you need an long count Mayan calendar to find recent posts / activity and some are so poorly 'organized' in the 'software' sense it's just too painful to even think about participating.
chowhound.com (active, but fragmented to the extreme; impossible to 'follow')
reluctantgourmet.com - currently closed; one Admin couldn't keep up with the spam.....