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Unusual food

I hear people deeep fry Twinkees at county fairs. That sounds like a double coronary to me :)
Same here-----I will try and be polite to my hosts and sample all that is prepared but if it looks especially revolting or has an unusual smell, no way-----it's far ruder to gag in public and my dentist will assure you that I have the most developed gag reflex he's ever seen. Ha!! I usually ask my guests ahead of time if they like certain dishes or is there anything that they can't eat and I'm glad that I have-------I'm amazed at the number of people who don't like shellfish or seafood. When asked myself, as we know many Brits, I tell them anything except organ meats and lamb. So that's a good way for people not to be embarrassed.

I'm with you, epatgirl (though my money was on you being the "grin and bear it type"). I, too, would politely decline. I have, in fact, been in that unenviable position and witnessed the disappointment on hosts faces. My gag reflex (along with my non-adventurous palet) doesn't render me the most agreeable dinner guest.

When I was younger and went through my vegan phase I frequently had steak pushed on me ("You'll love it prepared our way!"). At our home, like yourself, we always enquire in advance as to people's likes and dislikes. I was similarly surprised that so few people didn't like, or hadn't tried, shellfish (and this was on the east coast, where it was fresh and plentiful).

I lived in England for a few years when I was a kid -- the invites to tea were wonderful. Such a spread they put on, and was expected to be reciprocated. So much for dinner a few hours later. :eek:
This thread is for listing food items which are eaten in some parts of the world but may be unusual for you or your place.

My list is -
monkey brain

In Tennessee they eat frog legs there I can only remember one time that my mom and dad cooked some but yep they do eat them.
I'm with you, epatgirl (though my money was on you being the "grin and bear it type"). I, too, would politely decline. I have, in fact, been in that unenviable position and witnessed the disappointment on hosts faces. My gag reflex (along with my non-adventurous palet) doesn't render me the most agreeable dinner guest.

When I was younger and went through my vegan phase I frequently had steak pushed on me ("You'll love it prepared our way!"). At our home, like yourself, we always enquire in advance as to people's likes and dislikes. I was similarly surprised that so few people didn't like, or hadn't tried, shellfish (and this was on the east coast, where it was fresh and plentiful).

I lived in England for a few years when I was a kid -- the invites to tea were wonderful. Such a spread they put on, and was expected to be reciprocated. So much for dinner a few hours later. :eek:

LOL---Dear WorkerBee,

You wouldn't believe how many grin and gag it downs I've been thru to please hosts!!!! And for the most part I've gagged it down----no way, can I eat horsemeat--it looks too much like liver which I absolutely ABHOR-----I was forced to eat it as a child and it's probably as much pschological as taste-----not a great memory---looking out my bedroom window as neighbor's kids played and being confined to my room because my siblings and I refused to eat that revolting stuff probably has something to do with it. Never did that to my children and they will eat just about anything today. Ha!!
I have a couple of unusual combinations, not unusual foods... my grandmother used to eat peanut butter, banana, cheese, and lettuce sandwiches, and she got me started on them when I was 6.

My best friend in college ate peanut butter and Nacho Cheese Dorito sandwiches, or tuna and Cheetos sandwiches. They were her favorites for lunch, and she'd bring them 4 out of 5 days a week. I used to always tell her that we would know when she got pregnant because she'd start eating 'normal' foods.
When I was 3-4 years old, we lived in Panama City, Panama. The housekeeper used to make fried plantains (sp?) everyday for me after school. I used to think it was unusual, we never could find them in the States after we moved back, but now I see them every week when I go grocery shopping. I also supposedly ate monkey when I was there, but I don't remember it.
I was in New Orleans, Louisiana some years ago and tried fried alligator. The fried alligator actually tasted pretty good to me...just like chicken - LOL.
In my society frog is not thing to eat.
But i tasted that once when i was in india. My parents scoled me when i returned home and told that i ate frog.
And yeah cats are eaten too, some say they put them in siopao or Mantou in China or just steamed bun. They say that instead of filling of pork or chicken meat, they use cat's meat instead

Whaaaaaaaattttttt. Cats?? No way . I just can't stand it. How can one eat cats? I just love cats, I am a cat man and I am unable to bear this. I hope it's not true. They are so cute to be eaten. Poor cats.
I went to a fair last night and ate fried green tomatoes and fried dill pickles. MMMMMmmmmm
I've never had fried green tomatoes, everyone says they are good and I'm weird because I've never eaten them.

I'm planning on going to the International Festival next weekend, maybe I'll see some weird foods there and I can post about them I haven't been to one in years, the last time I was there they had Irish tap dancers, the ones you sometimes see on TV. This year they have Polka Kings and the Dallas Czech Orchestra, so I don't think Ireland is this years theme.
A different food that by father said my grandmother made is potato Bologna. It's basically mashed potatoes stuffed into a sausage casing and then cooked. I tried making it once from a recipe I had, and it turned out awful. I either didn't know the seasonings to mix with the mashed potatoes, or I didn't know how to serve it because there isn't too much to making mashed potatoes, nor stuffing a casing.
Yeah, I'm glad I don't remember it either.

Yes, my avatar is a wolf. They are my favorite animal.

My father-in-law loves wolves. The has this license plate that says
WERE4WLF, and everyone thinks he's a werewolf as in Lon Chaney Jr. :p
My son's friend has a part dog/part wolf pet and she's gorgeous---looks very similar to phoenyxstarr's avatar and she's good-natured.
Everyone, as much as I love talking about wolves, I think we've strayed off-topic... Maybe we should get back on track??

I have a question... How many people here have eaten or heard of fried bologna sandwiches? My husband loves them, but I've never had one. I spent alot of summers in Indiana, and I don't remember anyone there eating them. Is it a regional thing? We live in Oklahoma, and hubby grew up in Texas.
Everyone, as much as I love talking about wolves, I think we've strayed off-topic... Maybe we should get back on track??

Yup. I was about to say the same thing. Thanks Anyway for bringing the topic back on track.:)