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Your FAV new cookbook so far this year?

The thing is, Jfain, we would then have to start describing all the Westfallian hams as being sort of like German prosciutto.

Putting aside the fact that they aren't anything at all like prosciutto, they are different among themselves as well. So, where do we draw the line?

Personally, I would just describe it the way you did, as an unsmoked ham from Germany; perhaps adding in the Westfallian part.
RE: "an unsmoked ham from Germany"

In my neck o' the woods where the folks ain't too sophistocated I'd have to describe it as "Spam, without the jelly!" Ha!
Just started reading Libation: A Bitter Alchemy. So far I love it, Deirdre Heekin is a really good writer. If the quality keeps up, I'll no doubt look for a copy of her first memoir, In Late Winter We Ate Pears.
RE: "Deirdre Heekin"

The two books do look neat, Brook- especially "In Winter We Ate Pears"... I'll be curious to know your views on them after reading- and whether you think someone who isn't a booze fan would enjoy the first one...

I've got a tall stack of books waiting to be read, cookbooks & food-writings among them... Next on my list is 'The Man Who Ate Everything' by Jeffery-somebody...

Amazon.com: The Man Who Ate Everything: Jeffrey Steingarten: Books
Final update to this thread is below in GREEN.

I've received a few of the books I ordered and my first impressions of them are in red, below...

Amazon.com: Lee Bailey's Southern Food And Plantation Houses: Lee Bailey: Books This book is exactly what I was expecting. Very much similar in quality to Bailey's many other volumes. A large book full of not only recipes and photos of beautiful food-styling, but also pieces and photos on beautiful southern homes, gardens, history and lifestyle. Lee Bailey is, in my opinion, one of the food-world's best-kept secrets! Many aren't familiar w/ his work, but his books are absolute gems!

Kevin thank you for the info on this book, I have got to get it now!!! It sounds wonderful indeed!!! Plantation Houses Wow!!!! A quick story........Many years ago my then hubby was working for a big oil company and we were invited to a social function that was being held at a lovely old Plantation Home that was located in Missippi, right across the Blvd from the Gulf of Mexico. There were large white tents covering the enitre lawn, there were tables upon tables of food, at one tent there was nothing but oysters on the half-shell and another devoted to nothing but salads and on and on it went. There were large oak trees with plenty of moss hanging down and a fresh crisp breeze coming in right off the Gulf. It was one heck of an affair, complete with live music, tours of the home and Southern Belles in their full costume! It was so enjoyable. It did not feel stuffy, no aire of pretense or any of that.....just out and out good food, a happy apmoshpere, and lots and lots of happy folks everywhere! It was a memorable event! I bought the cookbook that was being sold in the little gift shop in the home. It was a book I used often and found many wonderful recipes in it! I would never take a million dollars to give away that day!!!
Cathy- the book is wonderful... but one thing did disappoint me (and it's not that bigga deal at all...). One thing I've always liked about Lee Bailey's books is that most of them are the same style and exact same size so they fit on the shelf together perfectly and almost appear to even be a "series" of volumes. This one though for some oddball reason is slightly larger than the majority of his books. Also, his "Berries" and "Tomatos" are just tiny, pocket-sized books (still hardcover, though). But so far, the 10 or so other books of his I have fit the first description- and all are the same size. (If this sort of thing matters at all on any level...) Enjoy- it's a winner!
"Next on my list is 'The Man Who Ate Everything' by Jeffery-somebody... "

That would be Jeffery Steingarten, Kevin. A frequent judge on Iron Chef America, and food critic for Vogue magazine.

I love his acerbic wit. Unfortunately, I don't think it came through all that well in the book.
RE: "Have you gotten Lobster at Home yet? "

I haven't received it yet, janie... will let u know when it comes. Don't know if it woulda interested me at full price but it's a large coffee-table book, and appears loaded w/ lovely photos and food styling, and White is a renowned chef, so I couldn't pass it up for three bucks USED!

P.S. Since I was asked in a PM- the gentle soul in today's avatar holding the LIVE Alaskan King Crab is my former partner, Arturo.
RE: "Have you gotten Lobster at Home yet? "

Janie- Jasper White's "Lobster at Home" arrived in today's mail. My first impressions are good- the USED book purchased for just a couple bucks appears brand-spankin'-new and never read! It's got a colorful, lovely cover, feels solid and has a weighty feel in my hands. So far- so good! As soon as I get more of a chance to read thru some of it- I'll offer more.

I also ordered a USED copy of "Jamie's Italy" by Jamie Oliver to send to a buddy for his birthday. I have enjoyed the one Jamie book I have, but has anyone gotten their hands on "Jamie's Italy"? Did I make a good choice? I've given my Italian friend many kitchen books over the years by Sophia Loren, Marcella Hazan, Lidia, Mario, Giada... I hope Jamie's makes a fine addition to his boot-collection!
>a fine addition to his boot-collection! <

Would that be along with the whips and chains? :D
I got "White Trash Cooking 2" a few years ago as a gag-gift for Christmas... But I just ordered these as well. If they're half as good as the one I've got I expect to be falling to the floor and laughing my backside off in a couple days when they arrive!

Amazon.com: White Trash Cooking: Ernest M. Mickler: Books

Amazon.com: White Trash Gatherings: From-Scratch Cooking for down-Home Entertaining: Kendra Bailey Morris: Books

(BTW, janie- I'm not as impressed w/ "Lobster at Home" as I had hoped to be. Don't get me wrong- much of it was helpful and some of the recipes were nice- but I prefer more photos in my cookbooks. Some don't mind a lack of pictures- but I'm like a kid- I like my poetry to rhyme, and I like my books to be loaded w/ pictures!)
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Style, please share w/ us your cooking/eating style, your skill level, your interests and any foods you'd like to try, and we'll recommend a book (or books) for you!

I now buy 100% of my cookbooks online used from Amazon. I rarely spend over 5 bucks for a cookbook (Amazon also charges a flat-rate of $3.99 for shipping of any sized book) and they almost always arrive in like new, or near new condition. I will likely never pay full-price for a brand new cookbook ever again! Not when I can get $30, $40 and $50 cookbooks used a year or two old for next to free!

I just went into my Amazon account folder and cut/pasted this... in case you're curious, here are links for many of the cookbooks I've bought this past year- note the prices for them if purchased new- and I didn't pay over 5 bucks for ANY of my copies!

Amazon.com: Hallelujah! The Welcome Table: A Lifetime of Memories with Recipes: Maya Angelou: Books

Amazon.com: Sophia Loren's Recipes and Memories: Alison Harris: Books

Amazon.com: Blue Eggs and Yellow Tomatoes: Recipes from a Modern Kitchen Garden: Jeanne Kelley: Books

Amazon.com: Lee Bailey's Country Desserts: Lee Bailey: Books

Amazon.com: Recipes From a Very Small Island: Linda Greenlaw, Martha Greenlaw: Books

Amazon.com: Lee Bailey's Southern Food And Plantation Houses: Lee Bailey: Books

Amazon.com: Bouchon: Thomas Keller: Books

Amazon.com: Kitchen of Light: The New Scandinavian Cooking: Andreas Viestad: Books

Amazon.com: Aquavit: And the New Scandinavian Cuisine: Marcus Samuelsson: Books
Okay guys- normally I allow myself the l'il spending luxury of buying 1-2 USED cookbooks per month from Amazon. I like to keep it under ten bucks- which is pretty easy to do since even large-format $50 books at Amazon can be just 5 bucks, when buying them USED!

My mind is drawing a blank right now, though.

I like most any type of cookbook- especially if it's loaded w/ photographs!

Any fun/interesting recommendations that meet my criteria?
Well there are these cookbooks by Lee Bailey:D;) I am enjoying a cookbook by Emilio and Gloria Estefan on Cuban Cusine, it is colorful and loaded with good recipes, I just wish there were alot more pages in it though!!!:( So don't pay too awful much for it Kev if you do decide to go for it!
WOW!! you weren't joking about the prices!! they really are below 5 dollars!! :O That's Great!!!! Ill have to browse around the section and see what there is. I, like you, prefer books with lots of pictures. It gives me a visual of the final item.